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Hmm... well there's not much to say about me.I'm not good at writing stories or poems, not very athletic (except for badmitton and track and kinda sorta ski... ),and not popular (but that's a good thing, in my opinion). I have quite a boring life, really. I live in the city above, but that pic makes it look a lot better then it really is, trust me. There's three things to do here...go to the mall (which gets real old real quick), go to the movies,or go bowling(stop it you guys! you're breaking the rules!You can't break the rules!). That's it. Pretty dull, huh?

The only good thing about my school is probably my friends... I love my friends. I don't think I would go to school if it weren't for them (ear-training!wahoo!)My high school is old, falling apart, overcrowded, and DIRTY!! I think I would have a heart-attack if I walked in a clean bathroom with T.P. and soap. Yay! Central pride!

There's one good part of the school, the music department. We're like our own little society down in the sub-basement of the school. We're not really paid that much attention to, especially those of us in the 20-person orchestra. I like it.. for the most part, we make our own rules and can worm our way out of anything because we can use the "We're in the music department" excuse. It actually works most of the time. Most of my friends are in the music department, the majority of them in band, which is why i have no life when the band has a game or is gone during the weekend. It's also why I hope to be in band next year...although I think I'll have to settle for color guard.. (dum dum dum The Flaggets! ) The orchestra is a little known part of the music dept. That's what I'm in. I play the violin *pretty pretty dancing..lalala..THUD..Dammit!* There is about 20 of us in orchestra, like I said before, versus the band that has at least quadrouple that amount of people. We also have a chourus of a similar size. I think even color guard may be bigger than us! Oh, great! So as you can see, the orchestra gets swallowed up in there somewhere.

Ok, I think I have a problem.... this whole page is compsed of me bitching about one thing or another. Is there a Bitcher's Annonymous local chapter around here?

ahh! my pretty pretty Fender violin that I hopefully will get someday. *sigh* Isn't it just so pretty? (I know, I'm a dork...)

Below is a random survey someone sent me, and I though it was kinda neat, so I'd figure I'd put it up here. Enjoy!


1.Full Name: uhh.. Krysie. Yup, just Krysie

2.Birthday: April 17th !

3.Age: Always Changing.

4.Zodiac Sign: ARIES!! yeah, go rams!

5.Where you live: OMG, don't get me started...


6. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?: Nothing Goes to Anyone, everything is coming to HELL WITH MEEEEE!!! muah-ah-ha..

7.If you had to go live in borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person on this earth, who would you take?:I think the more pressing issue is, why do I have to go to Borneo? Why not Italy? ("The land of people who love pasta just a little bit more"~Lauren)

8.Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?: Chad, most likely.Tarah is another possibility, we only fight when we see each other for short intervals of time.

9.If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call?: Umm...probably the paramedics.

10.Let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick?: I think I'd be screwed. No, I'd run away, yes, definatley run away.

11. What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be?:I think I like being me, seriously.

12.What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex?: Cry.

13. If all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be?: To be the best at everything I suck at right now.

14. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change(personality and looks)?: Thi is one of those questions that inadvertantly lowers your self-esteem. So, just for that reason, I will not answer it.

15.What is your dream career?: Dream? Doctor. Oh, and an astronaut, I've always wanted to be an astronaut. I suck at math, so I think doctor is more appropriate for me.

16.What is the one thing you just have to do before you die?: Get an A on one of Pappy's labs.. j/k. No, there's a lot of thing I want to do before I die, one being going to Italy, Ireland, England, and a few other places. Oh, and maybe climb Everest, but seeing as I've never climbed a mountain, well, I did once and I hated it, I think that's a dream that will never happen. Oh, and maybe go to the moon.. hm...

17.If you could be a member of any band that has ever exsisted, what band would that be?: NO Doubt, hands down.

18.What is the thing you care about most in your life?: That's hard. My family, friends and music. Ok, I know that's three things, but it's my site and I can do what I want and if you don't like it, then you can LEAVE!


19.winter or summer? Winter.. Sledding! The only good things about Summer are SYMS and bowling. Oh, and no school.

20.the beach or the mountains? The mountains. I hate the beach. I love the boardwalk, but as far as the actual beach, I hate it. I always get burned and sandy, and the water's too cold to swim in.

21.pop or punk? Punk.

22.rock or rap? What a no-brainer. Rock. york or L.A.? New York.

24.milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Dark chocolate.

25.dogs or cats? Dogs, altough I own two cats

26.britney or christina? Neither. Shoot em' both.

27.leno or letterman? Don't care.

28.mtv or vh1? Hm.. well, MTV sucks cause they rarely play good stuff, I prefer MTV2. Vh1 is cool, cause they play awesome movies (RHPC) and I love 'behind the music' oh, and pop-up videos are awesome too. or classical? classical definitely. or night? Night. I like nighttime so much better than day.

31.lake or ocean? uh, ocean. It's just so big, and it, I don;t know, it's hard to explain, but it makes you feel so small and insignifigant.

32.waffles or pancakes? Pancakes, of course. or football? Um.. Soccer, b/c I can play it better or swimming? Swimming, I love to swim.

35.chocolate or vanilla? CHOCOLATE

36.sugar or spice? sugar. It does wonders.

38.eminem-please stand up or please shut up?:he's alright.


39.If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be?: Rocky Horror, playing Janet, or maybe Magenta... hm...

40.If you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like?: I'd rather not go there. I don't need to.

41.If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars?: Wow, I'd buy my parents new houses, cars, etc, and of course a nice car for myself, buy some new clothes maybe, and invest the rest.

42.What is the single most embarressing thing that has ever happened to you? : Wow, there have been many times where I have done stupid things to embarasing myself, and they mainly involve me and my big mouth.


43.fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? Uh, yes. Hasn't everybody? into a wall?:It's the story of my life

45.sleep walked?: According my mother, I have

46.gone skinny-dipping?: No, but it's on my 'to-do' list.

48.snuck out of the house at night?:Nope. (I'm such a good kid,huh?)

49.gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver?:Hahahaha.. no. but my mother thinks it's merely a matter of time.

50.laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose?:Hm.. cant say that I have

52.swallowed a bug?: I read somewhere that the average person swallows something like 30 bugs while sleeping in their lifetime.So, I guess that would be a 'yes'

53. have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution?: HAHAHAHA.. no.

