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Inside Jokes and Their Hidden Meanings

Well, I have decided that now this page will only hold inside jokes, because if everybody knows the meanings behind them, then they aren't truly "inside" jokes, now are they? Sal puts it quite nicely when she says " They are inside jokes, People aren't supposed to kow what they mean. They aren't supposed to make sense."

To learn the Marcia Song, click here.

New Rule:"Any and all gummy candy must be eaten in worm form"

Paul Simon is my dreamboat. *sigh*

My hampstah is stuck under the couch! I poked him too hard! Now, really good hampstah's dislodge themselves from underneath the couch.Bad hampstah's get stuck in the closet and starve.Gooood Hampsterrrr...yes.


"Where's all my applesauce, dammit!?!?! Go to the store and buy mommy some more applesauce, be a good little girl....yessss....."

Band wanna-bes to the end with my fellow posse member, TaraH.

"And I would like to dedicate this song to Seniow, who has touched me like no man ever has before"-Pete (You rock, Pete.)

Running up and down the hallways screaming "AUXILIUM FLAMA!! MORTIS BONA EST!!!" with Lauren. Hmm.. climb over a desk to get to the door, or jump out a third story window. oh the choices. ("F*uck it, the window's closer")

Us "agricultural engineers" need to stick together, right Feesherman Bob (where's my hoe, b*tch, and what they hell have you done with my chicken?!?!? *ern ern ern*)

"Who wears short shorts?" "TIPPY WEARS SHORT SHORTS!" Why, his shorts are so short, if he had anything, you'd be able to see it!

JACKSON 5 FOREVER!!!!!"Do the do do do do do do do"

On taraH's list of really cool things-"hooksett kids-HAHA just kidding!!!!!!" Lmao, so great...(Im sorry all of friends that live in Hooksett, you guys are cool. I love ya!)

The pancake hut in Montreal. Breakfast and A WHOLE LOT MORE. According to the bus driver, the sour cream is really good.


One night in the hotel room in Monreal; Marcia-"Hey, you guys, I have a seceret to tell you" Geez, Marsh, we didn't need to know about your, um, let's call it a deformity.

Missing: soap dispenser. "have you seen me?"

Kenny craig, you look great in that tube!

OMG, who's nipple is that?!?!

You're pretty.

Tight yo.

"It is located in Makadonia." "uhh... doc, didn't you mean 'Macedonia'?" "YEAH!"

"Yeah, I saw Ewell peeing, but I didn't see hiw twix"-Christine

PCAC (or as Jo calls it, 'the PCA')-Where the air is cool. MUB (spelled backwards, it's bum)-Where everything is!(" It's so true, to, I mean, you have the store, a cafeteria, the computers, and that place where convocation was held that first year"-Christine)

"ok, who put jello on my floor?!?!" (Sorry, Jo. We wanted to see if it would melt)

Big fat baaaaked central po-ta-to !!!!

B, is in Bamerica or Buttered toast.


Under the list of people who are passing in tape tests:"nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah BATMAAAAAAAAAAAN!"

Mr. Morgan is kewl. ("hey Mr. Morgan! look at my chest!")

OOOOK, Marissa has had more than enough cloudy water for one water. ("the cloudy water made me do it, Mr. Sterling, I swear!")

"It's too bad that Chris Farley is dead" "yeah, you'd think he'd be skinier with all that coke he snorted" (ah, the conversatoin we overhear in latin)

Don't die, grandpa! OH F*CK EVERYBODY, GRANDPA'S DEAD!

I think I will always be known as the girl who went pee while her best friend was having a nervous breakdown

*bassoon case handle falls off, bassoon falls to ground* "dammit! I just can't take this sh*t anymore!!!!"

Slap-happy-Pappy will always help us save the penguins. ("F*ck photosythesis, Pappy"-Sal)

"ok, children, now we're going to tell everybody what we want be when we grown up" Andrea:"I want to be an astronaut" Krystina: "I want to be a doctor" Caitlin:"I want to be Madonna!!!"

people dont eat grass, cows eat grass. That's why I spit it out on the slide, duh.

Kiss me, I'm a cripple out of my way, kiss me i'm cripple SLOW cripples at play

Totally Confused? Laughing your ass off because you Understand These? Either Way, go

