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Oh bullocks! Angry Kid and Other Various British comedy

Angry Kid is the star of these wonderful claymation shorts from a company called Aardman, also the creators of Wallace and Grommit ("everybody knows the moon is made of cheeeeese"). You can find all of the Angry Kid shorts at AtomFilms

"Oh, Go AWAY! I'm busting for a slash!"heheh.. such a great episode!

Speaking of wonderful European comedy.. Absolutley Fabulous! I came across it one night on Comedy Central, as I was flipping through channels. It encompasses everything great about British comedy, the sense of humor, and of course, that famous BRITSIH SLANG. The show used to air on Monday nites at 9pm on Comedy Central, but they haven't been showing it latley.. Oh well, Keep your eyes peeled. FYI-The whole show is about old people on drugs, and of course, a lot of sex.(Them Brits love their widgahs!)

Keeping up appearances

We love them all..., Our Hyacinth, Daisy, ma' sister Violet ( the one with the Mercedes, a swimming pool and room for a pony) her husband Bruce, Rose, Our Onslow, Richard, the dishy Vicar, poor Daddy who's senile in the nicest possible way, and of course Elizabeth and her brother Emmet. Not to mention Hyacinth's son Sheridan and his friend Tarquin and Mrs. Councillor Nugent and, of course, the Major.

are you afraid? Go back
