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Lauren and Diana having fun...

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Subj:  (no subject) 
Date:  11/16/01 4:06:22 PM Pacific Standard Time 
From:  Livinskip 
To:  ChacolateMousse 

ok ablelc2 is a guy from a Harry Potter chat... me and Diana were having fun!!!! AbleLC2:  hey i got an instakiss 
Livinskip:  cool 
AbleLC2:  its retarded though 
AbleLC2:  guess what i saw today 
Livinskip:  hmm I wonder 
AbleLC2:  hehe 
AbleLC2:  ::clutches mouth:: owwwwwwwwwwww 
AbleLC2:  stupid bracis 
AbleLC2:  r u ignoring me 
Livinskip:  nope 
Livinskip:  what the fuzzy is a instakiss 
AbleLC2:  oh ok 
AbleLC2:  owwwwwwwwwwww 
AbleLC2:  i dont know 
AbleLC2:  ::massageing mouth:: 
AbleLC2:  god damn braciss 
Livinskip:  how come you dont know if you just got one 
AbleLC2:  cuase i got an email with a link  
Livinskip:  i see 
AbleLC2:  yes 
AbleLC2:  its so stupid 
AbleLC2:  ::smiles showing bracis on top eeth:: 
AbleLC2:  teeth* 
AbleLC2:  stupid bracis 
Livinskip:  lemme guess you just got braces? 
AbleLC2:  yup and the hurt like hell 
*Diana cuts in* 
Livinskip:  so what are 'bracis' any wayz? 
Livinskip:  my name is leilani 
Livinskip:  i live in canada 
AbleLC2:  why are u telling me this 
Livinskip:  but my house is nothing but a cardboard box on the side of the road 
Livinskip:  i want to inform you of the evils of the world 
Livinskip:  that is why i am telling you this 
Livinskip:  HI!!! guy that i don't know 
Livinskip:  woooo so ANYWAYZ 
AbleLC2:  r u okay 
Livinskip:  no I live in a mental hospital.. I have one of those bands on my arm! 
Livinskip:  its bright yellow 
Livinskip:  woooooo 
Livinskip:  wait.... maybe its green 
Livinskip:  or purple 
Livinskip:  or blue 
AbleLC2:  hey when u escape u can come crash at my place 
Livinskip:  or white 
Livinskip:  and WHY... would i want to do that ? i don't even know you

Livinskip:  hi 
AbleLC2:  okay go back to being ure old self and then talk to me 
Livinskip:  my name is shaquish- i live in zimbabwe 
Livinskip:  my pet is a zebra

Livinskip:  his name is spot 
Livinskip:  do you like dogs? 
Livinskip:  i do 
Livinskip:  they taste good 
Livinskip:  in maple syrup 
Livinskip:  yuuummmmm!

AbleLC2:  im going to ignore u untill u act like the livin i know 
Livinskip:  livin?? 
Livinskip:  ohhh!  
Livinskip:  i get it 
AbleLC2:  oh god 
Livinskip:  whooooooo! br- BLASPHAMER!!!

Livinskip:  how do i know you any ways? 
Livinskip:  i don't recall meeting you... 
AbleLC2:  brb 
Livinskip:  i think i might have been abducted by aliens 


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