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Spiritual meditations

By John Carre

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Faith in God is like an island in a sea of troubles, offering safety, rest and peace of mind and heart; or it is like wings to the soul so that it may soar in the heavens of insight and certitude. Turn to God with heart and soul and you will find the Gate to Heaven.



Here we seek truth to give wings to the soul, and brevity so that the heart will not be burdened with endless words and the seeker may proceed with joy and faith. From the center of God's Light our knowledge comes, and our light is but a reflection of the Sun of Truth. Turn to the Sun Itself, and enter the realms of Peace.



The atoms course through the kingdoms of creation, from mineral to man, and in the process gain the attributes that lead to the fruits of creation, the human soul. The Creator God causes forms to come and go, and every one is as different as the numberless stars in an infinite universe. For the wise, the very impermanence and differentiation are signs of the creator, Who is the all-Powerful, the All-Knowing



.Our sense of time is limited by our span of life and our physical age. We must broaden our view of humanity and evolution to grasp the meaning of God's timing. The proper time of maturity, for change and bearing of fruit may be veiled from our eyes. We do not fully understand the interrelationships of things, and beings. Be patient, for everything there is a reason, and the harvest may be reaped only at the time of maturity



Walk the spiritual path with care, and keep your heart turned to God, seeking true enlightenment. Let not the Names nor the personalities of the Manifestations of God, the sages, the gurus, or other religious leaders become veils that keep you from the Radiant Reality of the Light of God, which is hidden from sight, and yet visible in the infinite manifestations of God's power, shining in the pure Mirrors of His Chosen Ones.



Trust in God, and have confidence in His bounties. Not all that you desire may come your way, but for God to grant all your wishes would be unwise and lead to harm. Turn to God in trust and prayer, and have confidence in His wisdom. Do not fear the storms of life for God is always with you.



When once you have sincerely dedicated your life to God, and steadfastly pursue His ways, then you will become aware of the mystery of His guidance. Not in a day, nor in a year, but as the years pass by and life unfolds you will look back and see how happenings that do not seem related fit into a pattern leading to God, like the threads on a loom of life, moving to and fro, finally to appear in all their beauty in the finished design. With this vision the shadows of doubt will be dispelled and the light of God's love and guidance will shine forth.



Judge a person's worth from deeds, not by words alone, whether or not such a person gains visible rewards for his or her efforts. The best of men or women are those who work for the benefit of all humanity, to make this earth a better and more beautiful place. Soon we will learn not to judge a person by personal wealth or fame, and will honor those who sacrifice their lives for their fellow men, and for God, asking no more than what is necessary for a simple and dignified life



God is concerned with human perfection, not with religious names and organizations created by humans. He is concerned with love, kindness, mutual respect and all the virtues of a spiritual being. Life based on the body, material possessions and words, is limited to this earth, and the life of the spirit is eternal. Why then do some claim to be the only "saved ones" and all others to be "lost" if they have differing interpretations of the Word of God? This is an illusion, for God judges souls by what they are, not what they think they are.



Until this day people have sought beliefs which they could consider as solid, unchanging and reliable absolutes. Now many must realize that to progress we cannot tie ourselves to an unchanging set of values as far as life on this material level is concerned. All creation is dynamic, and the old sense of unchanging, stable, clearly defined physical and social laws disappears to be replaced by the realization of the constantly evolving, progressing intellect and spirit of humans. On the physical level we have come to realize that all is in movement. Our entire galaxy is moving through space at an incredible speed, while at the same time our planet turns on its axis and describes an orbit around the Sun. Every particle in our bodies is in constant motion, nothing is static. We must seek greater and greater knowledge, always ready to surrender lesser truths for higher truths, constantly progressing from the lower to the higher with faith, confidence and tranquility.



Our attachment to material objects or sensual pleasure is a vain and empty love. These clouds of atoms disperse and change, passing from form to form throughout the ages. If you become attached to the external forms, you have given your heart to an empty love which will dissipate and vanish, like a mirage in the desert. Awaken the spiritual attributes within you, and turn to the eternal love of God. With penetrating sight see beyond the symbols to the operating realities behind the changing visions of Earth. The soul has another realm of being far removed from the sensual responses and excitations. In that realm the songs are more beautiful, the waters of life sweeter, crystal clear and pure. We must help our infant soul to grow and develop its powers to their full glory. The powers of the earthly body are as nothing before those of the free and developed soul.



If a thousand people, or all the people of the earth do a certain deed, it does not make it right nor grace it with the light of purity. Act by the Word and Spirit of God, whether you are joined by or scorned by all the people of the earth. Many of the ways of this world civilization are wrong, and the moral and social codes need to be forgotten and replaced by a new way of life based on the spiritual realities of God which alone lead to human progress. Stand up, free and unafraid, in the Light of Truth and humanity, and live a life of purity and wisdom for the sake of your soul and future generations.



The presence of a righteous person disturbs the dark souls and gladdens the pure hearted. The bats fear the Light of God and seek darkness, while living souls seek the Sun and rejoice in its Light. If the presence of a good soul, near to God, disturbs you, then wonder at your ways of life and thoughts. If you are attracted to the pure ones who serve God with humility and sacrifice, then your heart has awakened to reality.



Respect the works of all those who seek to serve humanity, and to make this earth a better place for everyone. Honor those men and women who sacrifice themselves and their possessions to go among the destitute to relieve their suffering and to give them medical, material and spiritual support.



On thousands of planets circling thousands of suns in thousands of galaxies, the Sons of God have spoken the Word of God by the Command of God. These numberless Channels of God's grace give but one Message from one God, and now we must awaken to this reality; there is but one God and one Word of God. He alone is the Creator, the King of kings, and the Source of Light and life.



The Beloved God says that we must always search for truth, and recognize the Sun from whatever horizon it shines. The pure souls worship the Light of Divine Truth and are not limited by time or names, by space or words. The weak souls cling to names and empty phrases and their own limitations, and are veiled from the Light by their inner blindness. The blind utter these words: "What need to search for truth when we have all truth?" God forgive them in their conceit! To imagine that anyone has found all truth, and need search no more!



All our knowledge is but an infinitesimal glimmer from the vast eternity of Reality, and there exists no one who can claim to possess more than a drop from the endless sea of Wisdom. Our concepts should always be open to modification in order that we may progress from one degree of truth to a higher degree. Those creatures that claim to have the final truth and the ultimate answer are likened to the dead, of whom Christ said: "Let the dead bury their dead."



In this age of relative maturity, faith in God must transcend personalities and names. No longer may we be veiled from God by the names and personalities of the Manifestations. We must see them as Channels of His Grace, Instruments of His Will, and rather than mistaking the Channel for the Creator as have the people of the past, we must turn our hearts to God through the Manifestations. God has no peers or partners, and so we enter the age where we recognize that all religions and Faiths are but the creation of one God, appearing as varying expressions of God's guidance for humanity, suited to the time and place of revelation, but eternal in their spiritual message.



People of the earth seek a Saviour Who will be easy to recognize, and Who will teach what they desire to hear. Thus will they be freed of the necessity to be vigilant and to search for God's Chosen One. Most people do not want the manifestation of God to appear during their lifetime, but either in the past or in the distant future. This is especially true of the leaders of the endless religious organizations established by mankind. But the Prophets of God appear in the spiritual heavens, veiled by the clouds of human superstitions and false beliefs. They live as do other humans and are afflicted by the very people who say they await God's Chosen One (as long as He/She doesn't appear during their lifetimes!) They come bearing a "sword" , the Sword of Truth to separate the sincere from the insincere, and truth from error.



If you are willing to admit your errors and to change to higher concepts, you will progress. We are constantly changing, but our upward progress depends upon our inner vision and our understanding of creation. We progress upward from the lower to the higher, so be happy to surrender the limited concepts for higher truths that give wings to the soul. Alas, too often pride makes us cling to that which we know is wrong, and to turn away from higher truths to "save face". Forget the words of our fellow men and gaze upon realities, visualize what the world should be and strive to make it better. We should devote our lives in bringing joy to this earth and no false concepts should restrain or limit our spirits. We progress to higher truths only when we free ourselves from attachment to the lower. Isaiah said:"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy:'I dwell in the high and lofty place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.'"



Great souls everywhere recognize that a person becomes as he or she thinks, drawing near to those concepts he or she keeps in mind, becoming more and more like those visions considered most important. It is also true that we express outwardly, in varying degrees, those inner thoughts, whether we will or not. Therefore, a pure mind with the visions of God standing supreme in our spirits, leads us ever nearer to God and to spiritual purity and strength.



Oh God, all that I possess is but a gift from Thee. For Thee and Thy people I will sacrifice all, so that joy and light may cover the earth. Oh God! Thou art my life and my Hope, and none do I seek save Thee. Protect my sight from all save Thee, and stop my ears from all save Thy sweet Melody, so that in my life all will be forgotten save Thee.



To purify the atmosphere of this earth, to save the land and forests, we must sacrifice excessive luxuries. If we desire peace on earth we must make sacrifices so that no one on this earth suffers from want of food or shelter. The answer is not to be found in repeated prayers which are not followed by action, but in personal sacrifice, which is living prayer, rising above words and bringing new life to this weary earth, and happiness to the hearts.



In this day we devote vast treasures for needless luxuries, and we neglect the ecology. If some of this wealth were dedicated to improving the earth all humanity would benefit. New forests could be created where it is ecologically sound to do so, and old forests restored which would improve the world climates, the air we breathe, and the water we drink.



The extremes of wealth and poverty are no longer acceptable to a spiritual humanity. No longer may one person be a millionaire while thousands of others are destitute, without home or food. Above a certain level of wealth the only use for money is self indulgence or to gain power. In the Day of God power must be in the hands of elected representatives of proven ability, of high moral character, and with the best education in governing and economics.



Elections for government positions must be based on ability, education and character and not on politics, wealth or the backing of special interest groups. Therefore an equitable system must be devised to give all candidates who have the essential qualities and qualifications, equal exposure and opportunity to be chosen.



Remember your fellow man, whether near you or in a far off land. Self-restraint and thrift are noble virtues, for they help to eliminate want from the earth, and contribute to spiritual strength. If everyone is careful of God's gifts and lives in moderation, with what they need for food, shelter and beauty, the world will be a better place for all, and no longer will millions of children suffer from malnutrition.



Nations must care for one another, just as individuals care for others. This is a law of life, that the nations love one another and strive to bring peace, prosperity and harmony in the world for all humanity.



To be worthy of trust is of more value than any material gain. Therefore, we ought not touch the property of others without their consent and understanding, nor fail to return that which we may borrow, even though at the time it seems a minor matter.



In this age there is no reason for anyone to be destitute. Everyone has the right to life. Forget the restricting names and schemes of political and social ideologies and consider the realities of life and human needs, so that all have the right to contribute to human progress and all share in the wealth of the earth, so that the extremes of wealth and poverty disappear, leaving no one to suffer alone and forgotten



We live but a brief time on this earth and are but temporary visitors in time. Our use of the land and resources of the earth should always be governed by the present and future welfare of humanity. We have undeniable responsibility to care for the things of earth and the land, with respect for the rights of those living and those yet to be born. We must seek ways to improve the earth, to create forests in desolate regions if this will improve the land, to plant trees of all types in cooperation with the natural habitat and means of plant propagation, so as to hasten the day when all the earth will be like paradise for mankind. Use of lands must be carefully considered and plans made to utilize the earth for the well being of everyone, not just for a few individuals, and everyone must freely cooperate in this expression of love and respect.



Villages of any size should not be constructed with transportation facilities for industry as a major consideration. Suitability of land forms, climate and vegetation for the residents must be studied, for the most important matter is not commerce but the spirit of man. Architects and engineers ought to learn more about the people who use the machines and highways, and who live in the structures they design. The beauty of buildings in any community must be kept in mind to prevent unsightly and poorly conceived structures from spoiling the overall harmony and visual appeal of a community. Communities should be strictly limited in size, for beyond a certain point they lead to human misery and degradation. Man has need of natural surroundings, trees, fresh air and adequate space for spiritual, mental and physical health.



Courts of justice should direct their energies toward discovering truth, and abandon the defective system of trial by adversary, which so often frees the guilty and punishes the innocent. A jury of peers is clearly unable to properly judge evidence and to render sound decisions in most instances. The method used in some European nations where the jury is composed of professional judges, is more apt to return sound decisions. The aim should not be for the lawyers to win a case, but to seek out the truth by cooperative effort. The Sun of Truth sheds this light: the greatest pillar of civilization is justice, not forgiveness, for the protection and progress of humanity.



Soon will the Sun of Justice arise in the West, and shed its Light over all mankind. Not until men have been purified in the fires of extreme adversity will the Light of God's might and wisdom become visible in the hearts of the people.



It is imperative that the people of the world establish a lasting peace and a world order. There are two roads to this destined goal, and there are no other choices. Either we attain our goal through suffering, or through wisdom and voluntary sacrifice. Alas, we have too long delayed our decision, and now we will reach our destiny through the fires of intense suffering.



The only lasting peace is a spiritual peace based on justice, regard for the rights and freedom of others, and recognition of individual responsibilities. World Order will be realized when the majority of humanity becomes spiritually mature, concerned and aware of the basic needs of human beings and nations, and a just peace has been firmly established



There are no devices, checks and balances or other means to keep a government from becoming corrupt in a corrupt society. The only basis for a just and spiritual government is a just and spiritual society. A universal order can only be effective when the majority of humanity is spiritually ready to honor a world government, to abide by its decisions and to provide its greatest and most capable citizens to serve the commonwealth of mankind. Only when the greatest majority of people turn to God with concern for the welfare and happiness of all mankind will lasting peace and world order be feasible.



Moral values and how to think and make sound decisions should be major themes taught in schools to prepare youth for mature responsibilities. First the teachers themselves must learn the true meaning of wisdom.



Most people underestimate the ability of little children to learn, and a great deal of time in schools is wasted in teaching useless subjects. Perhaps the basic education could be taught in ten years or less, instead of twelve. Then the young people would be able to enter the higher studies sooner.



The early years of childhood are of utmost importance for they are the foundation years in human development. It has great importance to teach children discipline from the day of birth onward, and this should be by firm, gentle, loving discipline that is administered with patience, justice and steadfastness. Through reliability, certain follow-through, and loving firmness the child learns that your word is to be trusted and that your love is certain. Courtesy and concern for others is one of the basic lessons a child should learn prior to the teenage years. By these means confidence is born in the child, leading to the development of self-control and strength of character.. The role of the mother is central in this early discipline, and so she is a major factor in the stability of society and human progress. A wise, firm and loving mother sheds her light on her progeny and on all humanity, and is worthy of the greatest honor.



Every human sees truth differently, even though to outward seeming they have been raised under identical conditions and are identical twins. No one has final or absolute knowledge of anything, and everyone has at least a portion of the truth. Some have greater understanding of reality than others, but even that understanding is incomplete, and therefore only partially correct. The point is that we should all realize that we must keep our minds open to new knowledge and understanding so that our inner world becomes greater day by day, and we should acknowledge that every concept expressed by others has some degree of truth. Hopefully such understanding will lead to greater unity and harmony in the world, to greater respect for others, to courtesy, and to self-understanding



The so-called spiritual attributes of humans have both a positive and a negative aspect, depending on the motives and wisdom of the person expressing the attributes. Generosity, for example, can at times be a sign of spiritual perfection while at other times it may indicate imperfection, and then it may do more harm than good. Some people are generous because by that means they seek the friendship and admiration of others, even though they may not realize their subconscious motives. Some are generous because the Words of God indicate that this is the path to salvation, and they seek to save their souls, and at times this may be motivated by well disguised but selfish aims, seeking rewards in Paradise, rather that expressing selfless love of God. Sometimes well motivated generosity can cause others more harm than good, like the indulgent parent giving the child all it desires. Under such conditions the child never learns personal responsibility, and fails to develop moral and spiritual strength. Whatever we do in this life in the path of service to God and humanity, must be done with purity of motive and with wisdom, with careful consideration of time, place, individual circumstances, personal characteristics and environment. Spiritual attributes are not based on thoughts of reward or punishment, but on love of God alone.



In East and West the relationships between men and women have not reached balance nor maturity at this time. Balance must be attained so that boys and girls, men and women, may associate within the bounds of mature freedom, with chastity, purity of thought, full understanding of human psychology and physiology, the restraint and dignity of spiritual beings, and with recognition of intellectual and spiritual oneness and equality.



Modesty is a virtue oft forgotten in this day. With the birth of love for others and self-respect it will be given a place of honor



Situation ethics have captured the imaginations of many people in today's materialistic civilization, who advocate that everyone should create their own values according to the situation and their personal desires at the moment. It is strange that they have not understood that moral values are for the betterment of mankind and the development of society, to raise humans above the level of animals. Of course, if it were true that moral values and self-control did not benefit humanity as a whole and contribute toward the perfection of the individual, then they would be ignored. When we examine the moral laws of humanity, and the restraints observed by spiritual people, we see that these values contribute to human progress and spiritual growth, that they strengthen society and bring happiness. Physical or emotional satisfaction without regard to the greater issues can lead to remorse and unhappiness for the individual, and bring suffering and disease to many others. Does this make sense?

Everyone should examine what he or she does in the light of the effects on his or her own spiritual development, its effect on others, and ultimately how it is related to all humanity. From this standpoint one can better decide the reasons for moral strength and purity, and live in happiness and harmony with God and humanity.



Kindness to animals is characteristic of an awakened soul. The one who loves God loves His creation and shows kindness to all levels of existence because of the great love. Plants, insects, animals and the earth itself are in the different degrees of life and are worthy of our attention and love, each in its degree.



A calm, assured soul, one who relies on God and has faith in His promises, is like an eagle soaring on the wings of certitude, and a guide to the souls of the seekers. And when that soul becomes aware of the Reality of God's Cause, it can become a gate to the Truth, leading others to the City of God, and the Light of that Reality is the Will of God, the Law of God and the Law of Life.



How cruel we often are in the name of religion ! God has given us His Light to guide us in the ways of love and happiness, but we often use His Word to wound or deprive another soul ! That is not God's religion, it is a creation of humans. God's Faith must be a source of growth in wisdom and love, in mercy and compassion, and in justice and understanding; otherwise it is a product of our own imaginations, best forgotten forever.



It is no longer acceptable for people to use religion to punish others, for God has intended it as an instrument of love, reconciliation, peace and unity. To ostracize, excommunicate, or to call others violators, is not permitted, for only God can make such judgements. Now is the dawning of the age of Spiritual Man, the Day of God, and there is but one Faith of God. All are welcomed into the Eternal City of Reality and the Law of Spiritual Life.



Endless arguments about the details of religion kill the spirit of faith. Turn to the intent of the Word of God, which is the perfection of the human spirit, and leave arguments to the ignorant.



Now is the dawning of the day of clarity in thinking and speaking. No longer may a few withhold spiritual knowledge from others with the claim that it is only for the "elect". The mature and the free will inherit the earth and all the hidden secrets will be unveiled. A spiritual person will not be known by his or her title, but by the light he or she radiates. Spiritual titles have no meaning if the soul is dark, and the enlightened ones desire no name save "servant of God". The enlightened souls will not withdraw from society, but will live among the people, and by their wisdom, their works and their spirits will they be known.



The blight of vanity and pride often destroy the virtues we believe we have acquired in our lives. These destructive weaknesses can blind and cripple the spirit of anyone who is tempted by their attractions, and are seduced by real or imagined power and fame. The cure is to be found in true recognition of the Source of all attributes, because before the Beauty of God's wisdom and love, our light is like a shadow. How then can vanity or pride find a home in the hearts of the wise? Before the Lord of Wisdom we are as nothingness. The differences between those of high or low attainments is almost non-existent when contrasted with the difference between the greatest soul and God, and are unworthy of mention before God. How can pride remain before such a reality?



Oh God! Though You purify my soul with countless sorrows and heartbreak, still I am Thy loving servant. My heart and soul are filled with the fire of eternal love, and remembrance of Thee is my solace. Thy Beauty is my delight and Thee alone do I seek. Forgive me my weaknesses, and assist those who yearn for Thee, for all the servants of God are my kin and bound to me with the eternal ties of love.



Through meditation and prayer one is helped in his or her progress toward a more universal consciousness, and true spiritual awareness. In themselves prayer and meditation are not enough they must become effective in our thoughts and lives so that we live, think and act according to the highest spiritual principles which have been given by God. Prayer and meditation must serve to intensify our search, and never be considered as an end in themselves. They must increase our attraction to God and our love for all mankind so that we live as mature, spiritual men and women, and never stop growing spiritually. In this effort faith and steadfastness are essential.



Love that never goes beyond the lips of the professed lover is merely words and end in words. If no change or actions follow professions of love and prayer, there can be little benefit. If you love me, words alone are not necessary, for your deeds will be proof . If your deeds contradict your words, your words have less value than the breezes that move the leaves and hasten the clouds on their various ways.



In this day the full meaning of the interdependence of all mankind must be realized.. Were it not for our fellow humans how could we develop the attributes of love, generosity, kindness and cooperation ? We are one humanity, and though we each have our individualities, and our inner relationships with God, yet we are all parts of one race of man. The mystics chant the theme of "know thyself" and the wise ones add "and then forget thyself". That is, when you know yourself to a relative degree, and your relationship to the Creator, then understand your interdependence with others and live a life of service to God and humanity, free of "self."



If your aim in life is to do your utmost to promote the spiritual progress and happiness of humanity, rather than seeking personal salvation and to have your name remembered, you will enter a new realm of insight and understanding. If you follow this path without fear of punishment or desire for reward, seeking only God's pleasure and the opportunity to help others, then you will discover that you will be guided to the Light of God and awakened to the Day of God.



Honesty is praised by many and practiced by few. Dishonesty is such a strange disease that its victims ultimately lose the power to distinguish truth from falsehood within themselves. They discard facts and distort logic to support their desires. No one can rule the kingdom of self without the scepter of honesty. Honesty is the light that reveals truths of existence and leads to the understanding of spiritual realities. If this shining light burns brightly enough you become like one of the "angels of heaven", free of servitude to created things and materialism, whether visible or invisible, and in utmost joy you will journey towards God.



To become the master of the appetites of the body and the animal aspects of the intellect, means to understand reality, to stop living in bondage to fantasy, and to exercise discipline of our thoughts. That is, we must comprehend the degree to which fantasy, which has no real existence in the past, present or future, can govern and feed the sensual appetites. We must see with "iron sight" the reality of what we do and think, and free ourselves from the fogs of fantasy, if we are to embark on the road to purification, and to the station of self mastery. As we approach this station the mind begins to experience the crystal clear atmosphere of purity and inner peace.



Live in such a way that you are content with very little, happy in your love of God, and whatever you can do for your fellow humans. Regard those around you with friendliness and compassion, and never withhold from them that which you possess in their times of trouble. Thus will the world become a place of happiness for everyone.



To walk alone in the country, surrounded by beauty, breathing pure, fresh air, with the peace and quiet essential to meditation, is the right of everyone. The country is the place of souls; we must learn to live quietly, appreciating the beauty of this earth, helping one another without thought of personal reward. Learn the simple pleasures of life, break the chains of materialism that weigh down the heart and soul, and make this life one of slavery to possessions. Live the life for which we were created, surrounded by the miracle of creation, living a simple and dignified life.



This earth belongs to God, and yet these poor, transient beings crush the flowers of possession to their breasts until the beauty is destroyed and the fragrance disappears. Why not share with humanity that which is God's? If today we lose some cherished possession, rejoice for we have lightened our load, and can walk on the path of spirit with our hearts that much freer. And if we help someone else with that which God has loaned us, how wonderful that we have this honor! Leave this earth with your heart and soul free of attachments, and you will gain eternal honor and happiness.



Ask forgiveness of those you offend, and be forgiving of those who offend you. If you bear a grudge it causes sorrow to those around you and is like a cancer to your soul. Let the pure, sweet rain of forgiveness purify your heart and wash away sorrow.



Every child is our child because we are all parts of one human family. The past and the future are important to all of us, and the welfare of humanity is our own welfare. None of us can escape the responsibilities of life nor ignore our interdependence with everyone else in the evolutionary flow of the human race. Care for everyone you see, you are all parts of one entity, the human race



Stretching off into infinity the planets circle suns beyond reckoning, and beings like unto the people of earth live and die. These too are the children of God, part of the family of man. Numberless Adams and Chosen Ones of God guide the children of God in the paths of life and spirit. The Light of creation is God, Unique, Unknowable and Wise, the Lord of all.



Speak gently with one another, with respect and kindness, for "titles" and "commanding voices" are of the past, and have little importance in the spiritual realms. The reality of each soul speaks for itself, and the spiritual people have no desire to glorify themselves. The gloomy clouds of vanity veil the hearts in sadness, shutting out the warmth of love. With words of love and encouragement awaken the hearts to God. Attract others by your qualities, and you will become a guide for all humanity, leading through the power of spirit.



Those great ones who attain the highest levels of intellectual or artistic achievement, and yet walk humbly before God and humanity, are the stars in the heaven of existence.



Many people of today, in the East or in the West, base their spiritual life on visions, dreams, seeing auras, speaking in tongues, traveling in astral bodies, mind reading, clairvoyance and other phenomena which are either psychic or physiological in nature. This is a secondary aspect of a spiritual life.



The miracle of life, the beauty of the Word of God, the happiness of self-sacrifice for humanity, the spiritual fulfillment that comes from self-mastery, knowing of God and the mysteries of creation, these are the pillars of real spiritual life. All the visions, psychic occurrences, etc. may either be a reflection of the spiritual development of an individual or act as a veil to the realities of the spiritual realms, it depends on our attitudes toward these powers of the spirit. The goal of spiritual existence is human perfection, the acquisition of spiritual attributes such as love, mercy, justice, compassion, wisdom, knowledge and sacrifice for God and humanity.



Evolution is in one direction, toward greater perfection, and it does not return to imperfection. When once we have definitely attained mature spiritual awareness, we are ready to move on to a higher degree, we do not go back and start again. This is a law of all creation. The human soul is eternal, developing slowly or rapidly according to individual will and capacity.



For a human pure selflessness is impossible. Saints speak of annihilation in God, of becoming as "nothing" before God, of sacrificing all for God. These can be no more than relative terms and descriptions. They are comparing what they consider to be the ideal state with their prior condition, the former level of undeveloped spirit. Non-existence would be total selflessness, and this is the opposite of existence of self. "Selflessness before God", "non-existence of self in God" and other expressions used by saints and mystics are understood to be relative expressions only, and can only be comprehended by those who have reached that station. We seek God because we love Him, and we love humanity because we love Him. Satisfaction of this attraction of the heart is attained through spiritual awareness of God's Manifestation and the Holy Spirit, and forgetting "self-desire" before Him is "self-fulfillment", which is the highest expression of self existence. Self is then wholly dedicated to the service of God, without thought of reward other than His love, and it then finds expression in acts of love for humanity as a whole.



We walk toward God from weakness to strength, and from darkness to light. The way may lead through the cities and nations of humanity, and passage is often paid in sacrifice and sorrow. Reward is happiness and understanding of life, drawing nearer to God, and awareness of the Sun of Truth, the Holy Alif. All who journey on this path toward reality, and all who see the Goal, must never be faint hearted, for they have the assurance of ultimate victory, if they are steadfast.



This book is less than a drop from the Oceans of Light and sheds only a trace of light from the Source of Wisdom, that perchance the people will be awakened to seek for themselves that Source. The way has been prepared, the signs are all apparent to living souls, and each one is responsible for his or her own decisions. This is the Day of Judgement, the Day of God.



In the society of the future there will probably be few cities with populations over 50 thousand, and a more spiritual people will no longer want to live in cities unless absolutely necessary. Small towns and villages of 7 or 8 thousand will most likely be the norm, where people know their neighbors and the leaders of their community, places of friendship and mutual assistance. Most will consider it an honor to pay their taxes, to share in the responsibilities of their states and nations, to assure that everyone is cared for, and decent employment is available to all. With a redistribution of wealth, so that the extremes of this present civilization no longer exist, there will no longer be poverty, malnutrition and homelessness.



We have the tendency to try to limit God according to our limitations, when in reality God and His creation have always existed, and this is a truth we cannot truly comprehend. God, the Holy Spirit and the created universe in all its infinite and endless levels, have always existed, it is the Order of things, and we should accept it, even though it contradicts our concepts of "beginnings and ends."



When one considers the wonders of this creation, from the smallest and simplest creatures, to the level of sentient beings, in all their complexity and beauty, one is astonished at the infinite knowledge of God. He is aware of the feelings and needs of every created being, no matter how simple or how complex. The interdependence and interrelationships of all living creatures on this earth, and of the Earth itself with those creatures, is only beginning to be understood. All this leads to the development of the human soul, that most wondrous of creations, which never disintegrates, but lives eternally. The greatest wonder is that God speaks directly to His creatures through the Holy Spirit manifested in the Manifestations of God. It is a creation of love, a love that encompasses all living beings and even the atoms of the universe. And although the love of God surrounds us at every instant, we are given the freedom of returning that love or of turning away, a freedom that in itself is symbolic of true love.



Humans are astonished at their own accomplishments and knowledge, and yet whatever we have is less than a tiny drop from the vast and endless seas of God's knowledge and wisdom. Whatever we have is derived from the knowledge of God, by studying His creation, and, above all, heeding the guidance from God through His holy Manifestations. Would that we could appreciate to some small extent, the wisdom of God, and instead of turning to ourselves, turn to Him, and seek His guidance in whatever we think or do.



The next level in human spiritual evolution has been described as the time of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and it will be most glorious when compared to the past. And yet, to be fully realized will not be an easy task nor one instantaneously accomplished. We see, from the Holy Word that after the time of the establishment of the realization that there is only one universal Faith, and the other principles governing the unity of humanity mentioned by Baha'u'llah, there will be a period called the Lesser Peace coming before the Most Great Peace, a more advanced form of the United Nations with the power to prevent wars. Gradually the nations will establish a true World Federal Government in which all nations share. This World Federal Government will be tied together by one universal language, instantaneous communications, a world commerce and currency and the recognition that all races are parts of one race, the human race. But the problem of pride will remain, and even though sublimated for hundreds of years to a large extent, it will arise near the end of the thousand years. This is the remaining Satanic force, and it will require those thousand years for humanity to advance to the station of true humility before our Lord, the Most Glorious God, the Creator of all.


With each passing month my life forces seem to be diminished and I grow weaker. Thank God that He has permitted me to serve Him to some extent, for this has been the goal of my life. My love for thee, O my God, is the sustaining force in my life, and the hardships have been a blessing in the path of service. Though at times I have been lost in the wilderness of error and search, yet I have never lost sight of the ultimate goal, and now I thank God for all He has provided, and for His guidance.



We speak of the interrelationships in the ecology, how all physical creation is intimately tied together into one harmonious system, but we should also consider that humanity itself represents a unity. On this Earth we evolve physically and spiritually over hundreds of thousands of years, and the most primitive people are inseparably linked over the centuries with the most advanced. Each one of us either hinders the spiritual evolution of mankind or we contribute to progress by living lives of selflessness and devotion to God. It is as John Donne wrote: "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the Sea, Europe is the less for it, as well as if a promontory or a manor of thy friends or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me for I am involved in Mankind. Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." The agony of the victims of war is our agony, the hunger of starving children is our hunger, and the victories of the saints is our victory. Let us then devote our energy and our lives for the uplifting of humanity, for the happiness, health and spiritual development of future generations.



The Sun of the Revelation of God arises within each one of us, or we remain in darkness. It is only when we are inwardly ready, with honesty and humility, acknowledging that God does whatsoever He wills, and we are earnestly seeking Him, are we ready for the Light to appear in our souls. It is not an external thing, and as long as we so believe, we are veiled. The preparation for the coming of the Beloved One of God must begin within our souls. When the time arrives the Glory of God will awaken our hearts, renew our souls and we wll enter a new life.



The beauty we see in the world around us, in the mountains and valleys, in little children, and in the wisdom of a few older people, are all expressions of God's love for His people. We should thank God at every moment for His bounty, and above all, for His Manifestations Who come to us with His Word and his Divine Love.



See also The Spiritual Foundation of Society