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A Walk Through Central Park in the Quiet Autumn(cont'd)

Through the Elms

Looking north west of the avenue from the Olmsted plaza is lovely even in late autumn. With the leaves gone, it is the branches' turn to shine. But what's the clip clopping behind me?

The Hansom Cabs

Just behind the plaza is the street the hansom cabs (and some joggers) take through the Park. All the tourists love to ride in a horse and carriage through the Park. No cars go through here, just the horses and carriages.

The Children's Park

This southern end of the Park from the 60s on down was always designed for children and families. There are areas designed for play that are close to each other: the Mall (designed to be the starting point for anywhere in the Park, with the northern end a focus for play), the Chess House, the children's mountain (for climbing), the carousel, and the ice skating rink are all in this area of the Park. Wendell and I have crossed the road and I'm standing by the Dairy (while Wendell says, "Say cheese!"). The Dairy used to be where they would keep cows so that children could have a free and healthy glass of milk. Built around 1870 (and since restored), many NY children at the time were dying from tainted milk, and mothers would bring their children here for a safe drink of milk. Now the Dairy is the Visitors' Center. It's also where you pick up your chess pieces.

Keep walking!