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Gatorgal's Links to Other Business School Related Websites

Admissions Consultants - Comprehensive and professional admissions consulting services for business school applicants.

Book Reviews - Good reviews of many of the more popular books for business school selection, GMAT preparation, and other business school related topics.

Business School Admission - Good information on business school admission including criteria, salaries, and application deadlines for top MBA programs both domestic and international.   

Business School Rankings - Good information on business school rankings and all you need to know about the rankings and how to use them.  

B-School Selection - Web site that helps you select a business school that best matches your needs and interests.

Embark - Complete your applications on line.

GMAT Test Tips and Questions and Answers - Free preparation tips, strategies, practice questions, and answers for the GMAT.

Let me know if you have any more suggestions for links you would like to see. It has been a while since I applied and some of the other sites I liked are sadly no longer around.

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