Beautiful Deceit

Beautiful Deceit – Prologue

Victoria sat in a chair opposite Audrey while holding Little Corey on her lap. “Three grooms. I can’t believe it.” She commented.
“I know,” Audrey agreed. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
“To say the least. I wish there were some way we could teach her a lesson. One that she wouldn’t ever forget.”
Audrey smiled, “If only we could find some unsuspecting male to string her along and then jilt her at the altar. Oh that would be absolutely perfect,” Audrey laughed.
“Yes,” Victoria agreed, “It would. All we need to do is find some unsuspecting male.”
As if on cue, Percieval and Corey walked in with a guest. “Torie, Audrey, this is Andrew. We met him down at the wharf. He’s new here and we invited him over for dinner. You ladies don’t mind, do you?”
Audrey and Victoria grinned knowingly at each other. They turned their grins to the men. “No,” Victoria said smiling, “we don’t mind at all.”

Beautiful Deceit – Part One

The group sat down to dinner later that night, and Audrey and Victoria mentally plotted how they could get Andrew’s help without letting the dominating husbands know what they were doing. “Corey,” Victoria started, “I think Little Corey is crying. Could you please go check on him?”
Corey looked at her oddly and stated, “I don’t hear him.”
“I’m sure he is, Corey, could you please go check for me?” Victoria smiled sweetly.
Audrey then joined in. “And if it’s not too much trouble, Percieval, could you please go into the kitchen and get me some milk? I have a terrible craving for it.” She also smiled sweetly at her husband.
The two men looked at each other, shrugged, and got up to do their wives bidding. The minute they were gone the two women turned on Andrew. “Where are you from?” Victoria asked.
“What do you do for a living?” Audrey chimed in before he got a chance to answer the first question.
“Have you ever been to London? You don’t have an English accent, but you certainly do have an accent from somewhere, where did you say you were from?” Victoria asked.
As Audrey opened her mouth to throw in another question, Andrew stopped her by beginning to answer the previous questions. “I’m from Scotland. No, I’ve never been to London. And the accent, as you refer to it, is a Scottish burr. Why, might I ask, are you two so full of questions? And why did you have to send your husbands out of the room, don’t think I didn’t notice, to ask them?”
The two girls looked at each other, feeling very much like their plan had already failed. “Well,” Victoria began, “you see. My sister--” “Is none of his concern.” Both girls looked up as Corey entered the room, with Percieval close at his heels. “Little Corey is sound asleep, as I thought. What are you up to, Torie?”
Victoria was the picture of innocence. “Me? Up to something?” She looked at Audrey, “Are we up to something?”
“No, we’re not up to anything,” Audrey confirmed.
“Oh Lord,” Percieval groaned, “They’re both plotting something. This is never good.”
“Oh stop it,” Audrey said as she tapped him on the arm. “You know you are overreacting. Victoria and I are not up to anything. We are as innocent, --”
“As innocent as Joshua after Mama has just found an entire batch of her cookies gone missing.” The girls both looked insulted by Corey’s comment. “Don’t act all innocent, I know you both, and you are certainly up to something.”
"Let’s change the topic, I’m sure Andrew doesn’t want to hear us bickering,” Audrey easily slipped in.
“Yes,” Victoria added, “let’s. Corey, did I mention that Katherine has jilted her third groom this year?”
Corey sighed, “Yes, Torie, it’s all you’ve talked about since Audrey has told you.”
“Well, it’s terrible,” Audrey threw in. “Someone should teach her a lesson.”
“Audrey,” it was a warning coming from Percieval. He knew when his wife was plotting something, and this was one of those times. And when she went in league with Victoria, it could only go downhill.
“Don’t you agree that it’s terrible?” Audrey persisted. “I would bet that Andrew agrees, don’t you, Andrew?”
Andrew looked around the table. He knew the women were playing him against their husbands, but he couldn’t help but agree with them. In the back of his head he knew that there would be retribution for what he was about to do. “Yes,” Andrew agreed. “It is terrible. Someone should teach that girl a lesson.”
“And I’m sure that if Andrew was given the chance, he would love to be the one to teach her a lesson.”
“Victoria,” Corey warned. Whenever he used her full name he meant business with her.
Andrew was unknowingly stepping right into the trap that the women had set. “Yes, I would like to teach this girl a lesson. It would be rather fun, actually.” There was an unholy look of glee on the women’s faces. “But I suppose that this woman lives in London.”
Their faces fell. “Yes,” Victoria said, “she does live in London, why?”
“Well, I’m from Scotland,” he reminded them. “The Scottish and English don’t exactly get along as I’m sure you know.”
Audrey, who was always thinking, saw this excuse as more of a reason and explained it as such. “That makes it even more perfect,” she exclaimed. “You see, not only will you be teaching Katherine a lesson, but you’ll be dealing a blow to London too! It’ll be wonderful.”
Andrew, who no longer had any reason to protest, looked at the women. He reasoned with himself for a few minutes. He had nothing to do in his immediate future, and the trip actually sounded like fun. “All right,” he conceded, “I’ll do it.”
Corey and Percieval looked at each other and shook their heads. Andrew didn’t know what he was getting into.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Two

After Andrew left that night, and the girls knew what was coming. The two men turned to them with looks of death on their faces. The girls clasped each other’s hands and started to back up. “What was that all about?” Corey demanded as he stepped closer to them.
“We don’t know what you’re talking about,” Audrey stated as she backed up a little farther.
“Yes you do, you both know what we’re talking about,” Percieval stated as he advanced on the girls.
“We truly don’t know what you mean,” Victoria defended as she backed up even more. It was at that moment that the girls backed right into the wall, and they knew they were done for. They looked at each other and prepared for their husbands’ worst. “Why did you send Andrew to that shrew of a sister?” Corey demanded of Victoria.
“I love you,” Victoria replied.
“And why did you help her?” Percieval threw at Audrey.
“And I love you,” Audrey told him.
As Corey went to further his attack, Little Corey began to scream. Victoria’s face lit up. “O darn, I suppose I have to go take care of him. Audrey, come help.”
“With pleasure,” Audrey smiled at her. The two girls disappeared down the hall towards the stairs.
“Are you beginning to feel that we aren’t in control here?” Percieval asked Corey.
“I hate to be the one to tell you this,” Corey said, mock apologetically, “but the day we repeated our vows was the day we lost all control. Especially with those two,” he said as he nodded toward the hall they went down.
Percieval sighed, “I suppose it’s our job to talk Andrew out of this now?”
“Let’s just pray he wasn’t seriously considering it.”
The men realized just how seriously he was considering it the day they went to see him off to London.
The girls were fluttering around him as if they were sending their first child off to school. “Now don’t you dare let her sink her claws into you,” Victoria warned as she straightened his coat.
“She’s a real witch, that one,” Audrey added as she fussed with his shirt.
“The only witches here are standing right in front of us,” Corey said laughingly. At the glare he received, he sobered immediately.
“Now make sure you hook her good before you do anything, we really want her to learn something from this,” Victoria reminded him.
“And whatever you do, don’t let her on to you. You don’t want to know what she’d do to you if she ever found out,” Audrey warned.
“But the most important thing is to leave her before she can leave you. Don’t dally, then everything would backfire and you’d just become another statistic for the ton to talk about,” Victoria said as she turned him toward the ship.
Andrew boarded the ship with their warnings and instructions still ringing in his ears.
Percieval turned to Andrew. “How long do you think he’ll last with Katherine out there? I’ve only met her once, but by God was that woman a devil.”
Corey laughed, “She was only a devil to you because you’re married. She’ll see Andrew as her newest conquest and therefore treat him like royalty. I just hope he doesn’t do anything he’ll regret out there.”
“That makes two of us,” Percieval agreed as they both waved to him as the ship began to depart.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Three

Andrew glanced around him at all of the elegantly-dressed men, and their equally well-dressed women, gliding around on the dance floor. He knew that one of those women was the one he was after, he just didn’t know which one. He mentally discounted three of four candidates before setting eyes on her. He knew it was she in an instant. She was the spitting image of Victoria except for her hair. She had blond hair, where Victoria’s was dark, and the curls were much looser than Victoria’s also. She had the same blue eyes, however, he could tell that much from where he was standing. Katherine’s were lacking something; he wasn’t quite sure what it was, but they were definitely lacking something. He moved his eyes to her figure. She seemed almost doll like; her figure too perfect to be real. Her features were the same, doll like, but with a hint of evil in them; as if she were hiding some naughty secret.
Andrew watched her dance with gentleman after gentlemen, always with the same expression on her face. A cold disinterest that seemed to be somewhat of a challenge to the men, for they kept coming despite her unwelcoming smiles. After he had watched her dance with her fifth dance partner he decided it was time to make his move.
He began to weave his way through the mass of couples twirling on the floor until he came to his destination. She had just begun dancing with a lanky boy with sandy hair and a freckled complexion. Andrew tapped the boy on the shoulder and the boy turned to him. “Excuse me,” Andrew said, and pushed him out of the way. He positioned his hand on Katherine’s waist, and took hold of her other hand and began to dance with her. He purposely held her just a little too close for propriety. “Hello, Katherine,” he said easily.
She looked up at him in shock, “Who are you and how do you know my name?”
He smiled down at her, “I know a lot of things about you. As for who I am, my name is Andrew, and that’s all you need to know for right now. I was wondering, however, if you knew how terribly lovely you looked in that dress.”
Katherine was clearly taken off guard. No man had ever openly complimented her like that before. It was dreadfully forward of him to say, and she planned to berate him for it…after he had complimented her a little more of course. “So I’ve been told,” she said in reply to his earlier question.
“But there is something wrong with it,” he said frowning down at her. “Ah, I know. The bodice is much too low cut. I can easily see straight down that dress. It really leaves little to the imagination.” When Andrew noted Katherine’s horrified expression, he was satisfied and decided he had done his job for this night. He bowed to her and walked away. He made sure they didn’t meet again for the rest of the night.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Four

Katherine went home that night still feeling more than a little off balance. She had never seen that man before, although he certainly deserved another look. She wished she hadn’t been so surprised, she could have truly charmed that man, she knew she could have. She hadn’t seen him for the rest of the night, and that had been more than disappointing. She went home feeling very unsatisfied; a feeling she wasn’t accustomed to.
She got into the carriage of the man who had brought her and silently made the trip home sitting opposite him. She glared at him, wondering what she had seen in him in the first place. He was very thin, too thin for a man of his age. His face was also freckled far too much. He looked about ten years younger than he truly was, and that certainly wouldn’t do. Katherine decided right then not to see this man again.
She also decided that she needed to find out who this mystery man was. He clearly wasn’t from around this area. His voice was heavily accented; at times she wasn’t exactly sure of what he was saying. Although, she had found it an endearing quality, as opposed to one that was distasteful. The man sitting opposite her knew that he was being rejected, and therefore didn’t say a word to her the entire ride home.
When the carriage pulled to a stop in front of Katherine’s home, she stepped down without waiting for assistance, and flew into her house. Her mother was waiting for her in the foyer. “Why didn’t you bring him in?” Her mother demanded.
“Oh please, Mother. I don’t like him anymore,” Katherine whined. “I like a new man.”
Her mother rolled her eyes. “And who might this new man be?” She asked, not really wanting to know.
Katherine thought for a minute. “I don’t know,” she stated. “But his eyes, and…” She sighed heavily as she flopped into a chair to make her point.
“Really, Katherine,” her mother chastised. “A girl your age should be married. You’re much too old to be leading men around by the noses. If it weren’t for the way you act you would be a spinster at this moment. Before you know it, that’s the title you’ll have, and you won’t find a man who will look at you twice.”
Katherine now looked horrified. “Don’t speak that way, Mother,” she pleaded. “I’m never going to be a spinster.”
“If you don’t stop with these games you will be,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Do you think men want a girl who is going to lead them in circles only to not show up at their wedding? Katherine, there are plenty of men already keeping their distance from you. Many more are going to follow until no one will go near you. Please, think of your own future. Find a nice man and settle down.”
Katherine grinned wickedly. “I’ll never settle down. And I don’t care if I never marry, as long as I’m not called a ‘spinster’ to my face. All I want is the constant string of men flocking to me to pay a visit.”
Her mother glared at her. “You are your father’s daughter all right. Victoria was right about that much.” Her mother then angrily stormed from the room.
Katherine smiled at her mother’s retreating back. She didn’t know what she was missing. The attention from dozens of men, without the obligation to any one of them. It was heaven. She was free to do whatever she wanted, with whomever she wanted. Yes, she could live out the remainder of her life this way, quite happily in fact. After her mother passed on, she could even become a mistress. She would constantly be well provided for, and she would also get her own satisfaction. No, she didn’t need to marry. Marriage was for fools.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Five

Andrew sat in his newly rented townhouse that night sipping his claret. There was something very odd about Katherine, although he wasn’t quite sure what it was. It was almost as if she were begging for a reason to give up the life she was leading, because she was afraid to do it on her own. Perhaps that was why there were always so many men flocking around her. They all wanted to be that reason.
He pondered what his next move should be. He knew where she lived, and where she went, so there would be no problems finding her. He also wondered if he should keep up his façade of being incredibly forward. He brushed that thought aside almost immediately. Things would be much more fun if her were to keep being forward with her. He had probably been the first man to ever compliment her in that way. He found that thought rather amusing.
He put down his glass, still half full, and went up to his room. He couldn’t get her out of his head. They way her eyebrows shot up simultaneously after he had outrageously commented about her bodice. They way her fingers had clenched when she became angry. Andrew shook his head, hoping to dislodge all thoughts of her, to no avail.
Some hours later he was lying in his bed still pondering what his next move should be. He finally decided on calling on her.
He would show up at her house the next morning and ask for her. She would sweep down the stairway in some lightly clinging gown that left just enough to the imagination. He would bow to her and formally introduce himself, after which he would ask her to join him on a carriage ride in the park. She, of course, would agree eagerly. They would spend the entire day together, without a care in the world.
Satisfied with his plan, Andrew was able to fall into a peaceful slumber.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Six

“Damn,” Andrew cursed as he looked out the window at the rain soaked streets below. There would be no ride through the park today, of that he was sure. He cursed the gods that controlled the weather; he was positive they were laughing at him now.
He was determined not to let them win. He was going to call on her today, no matter what the weather. He glanced at the clock. It was 10 A.M.; early enough for her to be dressed, but not yet late enough for her to have gone out for the day. He grabbed his coat and hat and left the house to walk down the cold streets of London.
Katherine woke early the next morning. She had never felt more alive. She got up and dressed in a light blue gown she had purchased just the other week. She was humming to herself as she brushed her hair, that’s how her mother found her.
“Katherine, there is a man downstairs to see you. I have never seen him before, he has a strange brogue, however, I can’t quite tell where he’s from,” she looked thoughtful, as if the information she wanted was just barely out of reach.
Katherine brightened even more. “That’s him, Mother. That’s the man I told you about last night. Isn’t he wonderful? He is Scottish of course, but I can overlook that. It’s not his fault, and since he’s here in London, he must want to better himself. Oh, I do hope you like him, Mother.” Katherine spun out of the room, leaving her mother to wonder what had happened to her daughter.
Andrew wasn’t disappointed when Katherine came down the stairs. Her dress lightly clung to her, as most morning dresses did, and she was smiling radiantly at him. “Oh I just knew you would come,” Katherine said to him.
He smiled back at her. “After last night, how could I not call on you? You are more charming than anyone I have ever met.” He took her hand in his, and kissed it, never taking his eyes off of hers.
Her smile faltered for a moment, but was quickly recovered. She led him into the sitting room and ordered for some tea to be made. “I simply love this house,” Katherine said. “It hasn’t always been ours. We originally lived in a mansion just outside of London, but our father died and left us in terrible debt, and we had to give that house up. We then moved into a smaller house, a much small house in comparison, and we also had to live without our servants, that was dreadful. After Victoria married, however, she sent mother and I enough money to live comfortably in a home this size with a small staff of about twenty or so.”
Andrew looked at her in amazement and wondered if she realized how incessantly she talked when she was nervous. Instead of commenting, he decided to revert back to his original behavior. “I’m glad to see you’re at least a little more modestly displayed today, although at the same rate it is a little disappointing,” Andrew said easily as he sipped his tea.
“I could go up and change for you,” Katherine offered with a demure smile on her lips.
Andrew didn’t doubt for a second that she would go and do just that. “No, that’s perfectly all right. In fact, I’m sorry to say this, but I really must be going. I have a previous engagement that I simply cannot forget. I shall see you again, Katherine,” he said as he got up to move from the room.
“Wait,” Katherine cried after him. He turned looking at her expectantly. “I don’t even know your name,” she stated.
“Andrew Cook, at your service,” he said as he bowed to her. He then straightened and left the room.
Katherine sat in her seat for a few moments thinking about his very brief visit. He had only stayed a half-hour. She smiled smugly to herself at the realization that he had spent his free half-hour to call on her.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Seven

Katherine stormily paced the drawing room floor as her mother sat calmly mending the hem of a dress on the couch a mere three feet away. “Two weeks,” Katherine screeched. “He hasn’t come here in two weeks! I was a fool for ever letting him in here that day. He is scum, he’s worse than scum. He’s the kind of scum that regular scum won’t go near.”
Her mother laughed, “O Kate, surely he’s not that bad.”
“Two weeks, Mother,” was all Katherine had to say.
Katherine then continued her stormy pacing while her mother continued sewing her hem.
On the other side of London, Andrew sat, brooding, in his quarters. His plan of seeming impulsive had taken a turn for the worse. He had planned to stay away from Katherine for a few days to keep her on her toes with him. In order to keep himself away from her house, he had gone on a small excursion to the countryside to do some hunting. Unfortunately the trip had taken longer than he had expected, he had stayed a few days longer than anticipated, and on the way home unforeseen trouble delayed them even further. The result of this was a weeklong holiday turned into a two-week migraine.
Andrew knew that he had to see Katherine again, and he wondered what sort of excuse, if any, to offer for his absence. He considered the truth, but quickly dismissed that. It would hint to his ulterior motive, and even a self-absorbed girl would see that much. He also considered not offering any excuse. He laughed himself out of that one. Katherine would be so angry with him that even if she wanted to, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from demanding answers from him.
He sighed as he stood up from his chair and stretched his aching body. He needed to think of a lie and think of one quickly. He couldn’t delay seeing Katherine any longer than he already had. He had to see her that afternoon. He looked at his clock, and decided he could do with a bath before showing up at her house. He called for the water and ran up to his room to set out what he planned on wearing.
Back in Katherine's home, she had given up pacing, and took to cursing him instead. “That no good son-of-a--”
“Katherine!” her mother scolded before she could get the rest of the words out of her mouth.
“Well, he is,” she protested. “Leading me on like that. How cruel can a man be? Calling on me, and waltzing with me, and making comments about my bodice being too low! Mother, he led me on, and I won’t stand for it. I’m going to find out where he is, and--”
“A Mr. Cook here to see our Miss Katherine,” the butler announced.
Katherine turned in shock to their white-haired butler. “Did you say ‘Mr. Cook’?”
“Yes, he did,” Andrew announced as he glided into the room. He took off his hat and coat and handed them to the butler without taking his eyes off of Katherine. “Miss me, my Darling?” He asked sweetly.
Katherine backed up from him angrily, pulling her hand out of his before he had a chance to place a kiss there. “I am not your ‘Darling.’ And no, I didn’t miss you. In fact, I was just telling Mother how wonderful it was that you had left, wasn’t I, Mother?”
“I’m not involved,” her mother proclaimed as she got up to leave the two alone. Katherine glared at her mother, but only received a smile in response.
Andrew smiled. “Such harsh words from such a pretty lady. What say you we take a ride out in the Gardens? I meant to take you there last time I visited, but as you could tell, the weather didn’t permit it.”
Katherine thought for a moment, mentally recalling their last meeting. “Didn’t you have an appointment to keep? You only had a half an hour, it takes at least that much time to get there. How were you planning on taking me there and making your appointment?”
Andrew cursed himself a million times over. He hadn’t seen her twice and he was already making mistakes. “Well,” he began as he mentally formulated a story, “ you see, the appointment was originally for another date, but it got bumped up because of the weather. One of his other clients had sent word to cancel their appointment and the man sent word to me that if I wanted, mine would be moved up. Since the plans I had made for the day had already been cancelled, I saw no reason not to take him up on the offer.” He took a deep breath and congratulated himself for something so believable on his first try.
“Oh,” Katherine said simply. “I suppose a ride through the park will do me some good. I haven’t been getting out much, and I need the fresh air.”
“You haven’t truly experienced fresh air until you’ve been to Barbados,” he said as he led her to his carriage.
“You’ve been to Barbados?” Katherine asked. “My sister lives in Barbados with her husband, I wonder if you’ve ever met them.”

Andrew tensed imperceptibly. If he didn’t watch what he was saying, he was going to give himself away. “No,” he said too quickly, “I’m sure I’ve never seen your sister.”
“But Barbados is such a small place--”
“I’ve never met her,” he nearly yelled.
Katherine looked at him wide eyed, and got into the carriage without saying another word. She decided to stay away from the topic of Barbados with him.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Eight

“Why did you stay away so long?” Katherine asked. Despite her feigned indifference, her voice had an edge to it; as if to suggest she was hurt, at least a little.
Andrew smiled to himself. So she had missed him. He decided to do away with his lie and tell her the truth; it may serve him a purpose, if only to attach her to him a little more. “I decided to go on a weeklong hunting trip. Unfortunately things that were out of my control hindered me from coming back in time. I’m glad to see you missed me,” he smiled at her, a gloating smile.
Katherine crossed her arms over her chest. “I didn’t miss you. I was just wondering why you hadn’t called on me is all. I’m a very curious person. I didn’t miss you,” she repeated, as if trying to convince herself.
“Well, I certainly missed you,” he commented, looking her straight in the eyes. “You were all I could think about the entire trip. I hurried home as fast as I could. I arrived home only last night, and there I was at your doorstep this morning. I couldn’t stand to be away from you for another second.” His smile never faltered.
Katherine's heart skipped a beat. She was feeling light-headed, and a little dizzy. She had never felt this way before. She sincerely hoped she wasn’t coming down with something.
“I can see you are speechless,” Andrew noted. “Let me help you with that.” He leaned over to her and kissed her. It wasn’t much of a kiss, a mere brush of his lips against hers, but it was enough to send her over the edge.
Many men had kissed Katherine, and much more intimately than that. But they had never left her feeling as if she were out of breath, as if she could fly if she truly wanted to. This was very disconcerting.
Katherine studied the man sitting across from her. He was thin as far as men went, but not sickly thin. He wasn’t overly muscular, but his size hinted at an inner strength that was a force to be reckoned with. His sandy brown hair was the kind that begged to have a woman’s fingers drawn through it. His deep aqua eyes were always smiling, and his cheeks hinted at dimples that Katherine had yet to see. His lips always curled up just a fragment, just enough to look as though he were constantly on the verge of smiling.
She decided that when he married, the woman would be very lucky indeed. A finer gentleman Katherine had never seen. She wondered for a moment if she could be that wife. She shook her head to clear the thoughts that had entered there. Her? Marry? It was preposterous. She was a confirmed spinster, and more than happy to stay so. As long as nobody called her that to her face, of course.
Andrew had also been taken by surprise. What had he done? He hadn’t meant to kiss her. He could tell that she had been as shocked as he had. He might have even lost his chances with her. She hadn’t demanded to be taken home, however, and that boded well. He looked at her now. She was studying him, and he knew it. Let her look her fill, he decided. Let her know exactly what she is going to learn a lesson from.
That thought led him through a string of thoughts he didn’t particularly like. He wondered, for instance, if he could go through the marriage with her. She would certainly keep his life interesting, of that he was sure. She wasn’t quite the heartless creature that Torie, Audrey, Percy, and Corey had made her out to be either. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t jilt him. No, he shook those thoughts from his head; he was going to go through with his plan as originally thought. There was no going back.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Nine

Andrew stayed away from Katherine for two reasons for the rest of that week. One of them was to keep her on her toes around him. Always have her angry with him at least a little bit; as far as he could tell, that was how to keep her. She always seemed to want what she couldn’t have. If it appeared she couldn’t have him, then that’s exactly what she wanted.
The second reason he stayed away from her was to protect his own sanity. When he was with her he seemed to get insane notions, such as actually going through with the marriage to her. When he realized that even when he was away from her he was plagued by these thoughts, he also realized that it was time to draw this charade to a close and go back to his new home of Barbados. He wondered if proposing to her after only meeting her three times was a bit forward. He smiled broadly as he envisioned her reaction to his question. He pulled on his coat and hat and headed out the door onto the street. He headed toward her house, whistling in anticipation of the upcoming scenario.
The walk seemed fairly short this morning, and before he knew it, he was outside her door. He knocked three times and waited for the butler to answer. When the door was opened, Andrew smiled and asked “Is Mistress Katherine here?” in a very jovial tone.
The butler eyed him suspiciously and let him in. “I’ll send for her,” the butler told him.
Andrew continued whistling, even when Katherine swept into the room wearing a lavender dress that was nearly sheer. Unlike her dress of last time, this left virtually nothing at all to his imagination. He could make out every swell and curve of her body. He cleared his throat. “Would you like to go for a ride today?” He asked her in a very casual manner.
She smiled at him. “I’d love to,” she replied.
The two went out to his carriage, and Andrew helped her up. Instead of taking the seat opposite her, he sat next to her. She looked at him oddly, but didn’t say a word. The two rode in silence for about a half-hour. Katherine couldn’t take the silence anymore. “Why do you always come around at odd times? You aren’t very predictable at all, do you know that?”
He smiled at her; a disarming grin that made Katherine's breath catch in her throat. “Thank you,” he replied. “I try to be very unpredictable. It keeps things…interesting.”
“Well that’s for sure,” she smiled at him. “I like interesting men. They never seem to become dull. Instead, they live out their entire lives searching for one adventure after another. When I eventually marry--” Katherine stopped dead at the realization of what she had just said. When she married? She was never going to marry. Marriage was for fools. Katherine tensed at the realization that she was quickly becoming one of those fools.
Andrew had also been taken aback by her comment. He knew she had no intentions of marriage; but, the way she had said that just now seemed as if she were casually talking about what her true future would be. His earlier decision was reinforced a million times over. He needed to put a quick end to this game.
“Katherine,” he began easily, taking her hand in his. “I’ve been thinking. Since the night we first met, I’ve been able to think of nothing else. Katherine, you say you want an adventurous husband, one who would never become dull. I could be that husband to you, if only you’d let me try. I would never become dull, we would spend out lives, as you said, searching for one adventure after another. Please consider me as a husband, Katherine, please.”
Katherine looked at him. He seemed so sincere. His features were drawn close together, as if he were in pain waiting for her answer. To her horror, she found that she was truly considering marriage to him. She looked him straight in the eyes. “Andrew, I,” she broke off.
“Say yes, Katherine,” he pleaded.
“I can’t,” she said as she jumped from the carriage. She took off running, and Andrew didn’t bother to go after her.
He was frozen in his seat. She said no? As in she wasn’t going to marry him? He couldn’t believe it. In his wildest dreams he hadn’t imagined this reaction from her. He was expecting either a teary eyed show of hysterics, or one of the demure smiles she was so good at along with a “yes.” Never had he ever even considered her saying no.
Katherine ran all of the way back to her house; grateful they had been on their way back home so she wasn’t too far away. She got into the house, slammed the door shut, and slid to the floor.
“Katherine, what happened to you?” Her mother cried at the sight of her.
Katherine looked up, tears in her eyes. “Oh Mother,” she sobbed, “I don’t know what to do. He proposed to me. I said no. Can you believe it? I actually said no. But I wanted to say yes, God how I wanted to say yes.”
“Then why didn’t you, Darling?” her mother asked as she cradled her in her lap.
“Because I might love him,” Katherine replied. “I don’t want to love him. I don’t want to love anyone. Love only causes problems, and--”
“Listen to you,” her mother said. “Love causes problems. Where did you hear that? Look at Corey and Victoria, did love cause any problems for them?”
Having not heard from Victoria in quite some time, they assumed that all had been well. “No,” Katherine sniffed.
“And Audrey and Percy. Has love caused any problems for them?”
“I suppose not,” Katherine conceded.
“Then stop being afraid to be happy, Kate.” Her mother then got up and walked away, leaving Katherine to her own thoughts.
Katherine sat there for a few moments. She considered her mother’s words. How terrible could marriage truly be? Victoria and Corey couldn’t have been happier the last time she saw them. Audrey and Percy were constantly smiling adoringly at each other. Not all men had to be like her father, she supposed.
That thought paralyzed her. Not all men had to be like her father. In that moment she realized what Victoria had always hated about her. She had been exactly like her father. She also realized that she hadn’t loved her father as she believed she had; she had hated him and tried to become him in a twisted way of getting rid of him. He had poisoned her thoughts about everything. She didn’t want to live like him anymore. She didn’t want to deny herself every last bit of happiness and end up dead and forgotten. Or worse, dead with people rejoicing about it.
Katherine stood up. She needed to marry Andrew. Only marrying him could pull her from this hole she had dug for herself. She also couldn’t help but admit that she felt for him. She not only felt for him, but she loved him. She rushed to her room so that she could change and go to find Andrew.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Ten

Katherine hadn’t been able to find Andrew that day. Or the day after that. Or even the day after that. It seemed she wasn’t going to be able to find him at all. That changed, however, the next time Katherine went to Almacks.
She had spotted him earlier that evening. He was dancing with someone, however, and therefore she couldn’t cut in. Women didn’t do that. She had waited patiently for the dance to end, but as soon as he caught sight of her he turned to dance with another girl. Katherine was hurt, but in her heart she couldn’t blame him.
She knew that eventually he would have to stop dancing, and she only needed to wait until then. While she was waiting, she decided she could use a little freshening up. She headed toward the powder rooms, but stopped in her tracks outside when she heard her name mentioned.
“I hear that that Scottish gentleman out there proposed to Cold Katherine. But she turned him down flat,” the first woman said.
The second woman then laughed. “Cold Katherine turned down another groom that she could have left at the altar? I don’t believe it.”
“It’s true,” the first woman defended. “I heard it from someone who heard it straight from his own lips.”
“I don’t believe it,” the second woman affirmed.
“It gets better,” the first women said. “The only reason that he proposed in the first place was so that he could turn the tables on her.”
“How so?” the second asked, now more than moderately interested.
“Well, he was going to propose to her, and then leave her before she got a chance to leave him. Isn’t that simply marvelous? Oh how I would have loved to see Cold Katherine's face when that happened.”
“Yes,” the second agreed. “It would be very amusing.”
The two women went to leave, and Katherine ducked behind a fern. What they said couldn’t have been true…could it? She looked down at him dancing with another blond, and more than just a few doubts entered her mind. He didn’t seem at all upset about her refusal. In fact he seemed happier than ever.
Tears blurred Katherine's vision as she ran from the ball. She had given in to love and look where it had gotten her. Hurt and alone. She called for her carriage and told them to hurry her home. When she arrived at her house, she told them to wait for her there. She ran up to her room, packed her bags, and left a brief note for her mother. She then ran back out to the carriage and left London.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Eleven

Andrew looked up toward the balcony that Katherine had been occupying all night. She was still there watching him, but now she looked as if she was going to come to see him. He was so intent on watching her out of the corner of his eye that he didn’t see the blond girl that literally appeared out of nowhere. He bumped into her, though, and she had interpreted that as him asking her to dance.
Andrew mentally swore, as he swirled the girl around so that he had a perfect view of the balcony. Katherine was no longer there. He searched the entire top half of the room before spotting her heading toward the powder rooms. He thought that this would be the perfect time to see her.
He excused himself from the blond girl as he hurried to the steps that led up to the upper floor. He climbed them two at a time, the crowds fighting him the entire way up there. He made it just as Katherine ran past the stairs toward the exit. As he fought his way through the dense mass of people, he again swore at himself for not seeking her out sooner. He didn’t know what had gotten her so upset, but he did know that he would be the one to calm her fears.
Just as he was about to leave he felt someone tug at his coat sleeve. “Are you the Scottish gentleman?” The old woman asked. Andrew looked at her impatiently, “Yes, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find Katherine.”
“Cold Katherine?” The lady asked. “Don’t waste your time on her. Besides, everyone here knows that the only reason you courted her is so that you could teach her a lesson. Why even she knows that now. I doubt finding her would do any good.”
Andrew looked at the woman coldly. “If you were a man I would call you out here and now. Unfortunately you were born female and therefore it would be very ungentlemanly to call you out. Instead, I suggest that you never call my fiancé that again. Are we at an understanding?”
The woman looked at Andrew, horrified, and mutely nodded.
Andrew, satisfied with her reaction, continued his struggle for Katherine. Mid-stride he realized the significance of the lady’s words. Katherine knew. That’s why she had run from him. She knew that he had been playing her falsely this entire time. She would never forgive him. She had to forgive him.
Andrew, with a newfound source of energy, broke through the crowd and made it outside. He called for his carriage and ordered them to rush to Katherine's house. He stormed inside without even knocking. Katherine's mother came down the stairs demanding to know what was going on.
“Katherine,” Andrew demanded, “Where is she?”
“I don’t know,” her mother replied in an icy tone. “And I assure you that if I did know, I wouldn’t tell you. You have hurt her like no other person ever could. Get out of my house before I have you thrown out.”
“You don’t understand,” Andrew pleaded with her. “It’s not what it seems. I don’t know what she told you, but she’s wrong. Please let me see her.”
“She hasn’t told me anything. What I know came from this note she left.” Her mother handed Andrew a note.
Andrew took it and stared at it for a few moments. The handwriting was barely legible, and there were stains where her tears had fallen. He cursed himself. He then read the note,
I’m sorry to do this to you, but I have to leave London. Andrew has been playing me falsely, and I cannot stay near him. He never had any intentions of marriage, he only wanted to ‘teach me a lesson’ by becoming engaged and then leaving me. I’m not yet sure where I will be going, but I assure you that I will never be coming back. I will send word when I know where I will be staying.
Andrew read the letter once, twice, three times. Each time feeling guiltier than the last. He looked up at her mother, pure determination in his eyes. “I’m going to bring her back. If I have to circle the globe, I’m going to bring her back.” He left the house without another word.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Twelve

“Another boat came from London today,” Percy commented to Audrey and Victoria.
“Really?” Victoria asked as she wiped chocolate stains from Joshua’s mouth.
“Yes, and it had some very interesting news,” Corey commented.
“And what, pray tell, was that?” Audrey asked, more in an effort to get the men to leave them alone than in interest.
“It seems,” Corey began, “That ‘Cold Katherine’ has left another prospective groom.”
Audrey and Victoria looked at each other in shock. “It can’t be,” Victoria cried.
“She couldn’t have,” Audrey agreed.
“She has,” Percy confirmed.
“You don’t know that. It’s probably just London gossip. You know how much they change things. He left her, I’m sure of it. There is now way that she—“
“I left him all right.”
The four adults turned their heads to see where this new voice was coming from. Victoria stared in shock at her older sister. “Kate, what on earth are you doing here?”
“Oh Victoria,” she sobbed on her sister’s shoulder. “I loved him. I loved him so much. But he didn’t love me, he pretended, but he didn’t. When I found out I fled London. I didn’t know where to go. Please let me stay with you for a while, Victoria, please.”
“Of course you can stay here,” Victoria comforted her sister. “Let’s take you upstairs and freshen you up a bit, ok?”
Katherine nodded, and let Victoria lead her upstairs.
Some time later, Victoria came back down, looking very tired and guilty. “I’m not going to say I told you so,” Corey began.
“Then don’t,” Victoria snapped at him. She turned to Percy, “In fact, why don’t both of you take those sarcastic grins and just leave?”“Yes,” Audrey agreed, “why don’t you?”
Percy got up, laughing. “I can see where we aren’t wanted, Corey. We best leave these two witches to their own devices for a while. It’s about time they clean up after themselves anyway.”
The two men left, and Victoria just looked at Audrey. “We’ve really done it this time,” Victoria said. “She really loves him. What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know,” Audrey stated. “We have to find Andrew.”
“Where are we going to find him? He could be anywhere. We didn’t know him more than a week before he left. We know nothing about him. He could be absolutely anywhere.”
“He’ll eventually have to come back here,” Audrey supplied. “He does have a home out here and all. He can’t just leave it.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Victoria conceded. “All we have to do is keep Katherine sane until he gets here.”
“God help us,” Audrey pleaded.
“Yes,” Victoria joined, “God help us.”

Beautiful Deceit – Part Thirteen

Andrew looked out over the sea as the ship neared Barbados. Six months he had searched. Six months, and three separate bodies of land. He had spent one month each in Great Britain, and Scotland. He had then moved to the continent to search there. No one had even seen her. He had been to France. Spain. Italy. No one had heard of her. Finally, he admitted defeat and returned home.
He felt tired and a score of years older. If his life were to end now he would have rejoiced gladly. Life held no glamour for him now. No adventure seemed worth the trouble. He sighed and pushed himself from the rail.
Once they were docked, he pulled all of his luggage off of the vessel and turned toward his home. There was little comfort to be found there, but at least it would be familiar. And completely without memories of Katherine. At the thought of her he stiffened. He needed to stop this. He didn’t love her. She was only an adventure gone wrong. That’s all she was to him; no more, no less.
As he turned toward the path that would lead to his home, he could have sworn he saw her. He shook his head and looked back. She was gone.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Fourteen

Audrey, Victoria and Katherine walked through the market shopping for various items. A ship was coming in that day and that meant new goods from various places. They heard that this ship was from Europe.
When the ship was spotted, the girls decided that they would watch all of the people get off. Barbados was a very small place, and they didn’t get any new people very often. When they did it was always something to celebrate.
The three girls looked eagerly at the mass of people descending from the ship for new faces that looked sociable. Victoria found one almost instantly. “Kate, let’s go over here.”
“But Victoria,”
“Now, Kate!” Victoria ordered. Audrey and Katherine looked at each other as is trying to figure out what had gotten Victoria so angry, but they shrugged and followed her. “I think it’s time we should get going.”
“But Victoria, we never leave this early. The ship has only just gotten here,” Audrey protested.
“Audrey,” Victoria warned. “It’s time to go home. Now.”
Audrey knew when to push things, and when not to. This was one of those times she chose not to. The twins met the three women halfway home. “Mommy, Daddy said we could go meet you at the market and watch the ship come in,” Jessica whined at the realization that they were going home.
“I’m sorry, Darling, but I don’t want to stay there anymore. Next time we’ll bring you, I promise.”
“But Mommy,” Jessica continued.
“Why don’t you and your brother go there alone? You two are old enough to spend a few hours over there. Be home in time for dinner, and I mean that.”
“Yes, Mother,” Joshua yelled over his shoulder as he ran with his sister toward the market.
“Victoria, why are you letting them go there alone?” Audrey asked in shock.
“Audrey, they’re six years old; going on seven very soon. We know everyone down there. You know that everyone will constantly be keeping an eye on them for me. In fact, I think even a few of the hands were there. They’ll be fine, Audrey.” Victoria stopped in her tracks. “Damn!” She yelled.
Katherine and Audrey again looked at her. “Victoria, you really are acting very odd today. What on earth was that all about?”
Victoria looked at her sister. She began to answer, but realized that she couldn’t tell her the real reason for her outburst. What if Jessica and Joshua ran into Andrew? They would surely remember him, and out of the courtesy that Victoria herself had taught them, they would invite him home. She swore very fluently to herself, but tried to keep a calm exterior. “I’m sorry,” Victoria smiled to her companions.

Beautiful Deceit – Part

Victoria paced her room back and forth, looking out the window at odd intervals, as Corey dressed for dinner. “What’s the matter, Torie?” He asked, putting his hands on her shoulders.
She leaned back against him, loving the comfort his arms offered her. “I’ve made a terrible mess,” she told him. “I don’t think I can get out of this one. Everyone is going to end up hating me, I know it.”
He turned her to face him. “No one is going to hate you, Torie. What’s wrong? What have you done?”
She looked up at him with eyes that mirrored her inner despair. “Andrew is back,” she said slowly. “I saw him today. I let the twins go to town alone for a few hours, and I know they’re going to bring him back if they see him. Corey, if he and Kate meet again, I know that they’ll end up talking, and then the entire plan will come out, and Kate will hate me, I know she will. Corey, what am I going to do?” She asked as she leaned her forehead against his bare chest.
His arms came around to encircle her. “I’ve give you credit, Torie. You’ve messed things up royally this time.”
Their door was flung wide open and Little Corey came bounding into the room. “Andrew is here, Andrew is here.” He chanted to them.
“Little Corey, please don’t yell. Come here,” his father beckoned. Little Corey climbed onto his father’s lap. “Your Aunt Kate doesn’t want to see Andrew right now, ok? We’re going to keep him a secret for now. Can you keep a secret for me and Mommy?” At Little Corey’s nod, his father set him on his feet on the ground. “Good. Go with your brother and sister and get Audrey and everyone else, ok?” Again, Little Corey nodded and ran from the room.
Victoria looked at her husband with tears in her eyes. “What have I done, Corey?”
Corey pulled her onto his lap and cradled her the way he did Little Corey. “You can make it up to them, still,” he offered.
“How?” Victoria sniffed.
“Talk to Katherine about him. Find out if she still loves him, which I’m sure she does. Then talk her into admitting that she’d forgive him if he came back and asked for it.”
“But what if he doesn’t love her?” Victoria asked quietly.
“You leave that to Percy and I,” Corey assured her. If he doesn’t love her, he won’t show up at dinner tonight. I promise you. Ok?”
Victoria sat up and wiped her eyes. “I love you,” she said to Corey.
“I love you too,” he assured her. “Now go before I don’t let you out of here for at least an hour.”
Victoria smiled at him and left the room, heading toward Kate’s.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Sixteen

“Percy, we’ve got to save them again,” Corey said to his friend as they both walked into the drawing room.
“What now?” Percy asked, as if afraid to hear the answer.
“Andrew is back.”
“Good God, you’re kidding me.”
“No,” Corey said. “In fact, he’s in the dining room as we speak. Jessie and Josh brought him home tonight to have dinner with us. Kate doesn’t know yet. Torie is afraid that Kate’s going to find out everything and hate her.” He sighed heavily. “Me, being the chivalrous husband that I am, offered to help her out of this. We’ve got to find out if he still loves her, and if not, get him out of here before dinner.”
Now Percy sighed. “Next time we decide to bring a new friend home, let’s not.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Corey agreed. The two men walked into the dining room where Andrew was sitting. All of the kids were sitting around him. “Jessica, Joshua, and Little Corey, why don’t you all go play in the gardens? We’ll call you when it’s time to eat.”
“You go with them, Cecilia and Stephen,” Percy ordered his own two children.
“Josh and Jessie, you watch out for the younger three, you hear me?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Jessica replied.
The five children disappeared from sight, and Corey and Percy each sat down on one side of Andrew.
“The children told me that Kate is here,” he said with more than a touch of hope in his voice.
Corey and Percy smiled at each other. This was going to be easier than they thought. “Yes, Kate’s here.”
Andrew sighed with relief and laughed his happiness. “You two don’t know what I’ve been through the past six months. I’ve searched everywhere for her. Absolutely everywhere. I’ve been to three landmasses, numerous countries, and to think she was here the entire time.” He shook his head.
“Well, let’s make the girls sweat this one out,” Percy suggested.
“You want to die,” Corey laughed. “Torie is a wreck right now. I’d be sleeping on the beach for a year if I pushed her any farther. You do what you want with Audrey, but leave Torie out of this.”
Andrew smiled. “I could always torture Kate just a little bit.”
“Don’t even consider it,” Corey warned.
Percy and Andrew proceeded to make elaborate plans for what they were going to do to the women.
Corey offered up a prayer of behalf of his own life.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Seventeen

“Kate,” Victoria began. “I know it’s been months, but, I was just wondering. What are your feelings towards Andrew? I know he hurt you, he hurt you terribly. But Kate, you still love him, don’t you?”
Katherine couldn’t lie to her sister. “Why are you bringing this up, Victoria? You know I love him. I don’t want to talk about him.” She continued getting ready for dinner.
Victoria wasn’t backing down however. “Katherine, if he were to come here and beg forgiveness, you’d give it to him, wouldn’t you?”
There was a knock on the door then.
“Come in,” Kate yelled.
Audrey then walked in. “Victoria, did you know--”
“Yes, I know,” Victoria interrupted.
“Know what?” Kate asked.
“The twins invited a friend over for dinner,” Victoria told her. “But Kate, would you forgive him?”
She sighed. “Would I have any choice? Victoria, as much as I try, I can’t forget him. I want to, oh how I truly want to. But I can’t seem to do it.”
“That’s the way true love works, I’m afraid.” Victoria commented. “Kate, wear that pretty new dress you picked up the other day.”
“You mean that sun-faded-yellow dress?” She asked disbelievingly.
“Yes, that’s the one,” Victoria confirmed.
“But that dress is so…” Katherine trailed off.
“So fancy for a dinner at home,” Audrey supplied.
“No matter, wear it anyway. Here, we’ll leave you to dress,” Victoria said as she pulled Audrey from the room. “Andrew is back,” Victoria told Audrey the moment they were outside.
“I saw him. When did he arrive?” she asked.
“Today. I saw him getting off the ship, and that’s why I rushed everyone home. And later, when I swore aloud, it was because I realized that if Jessie and Josh were to run into him, they would surely bring him home for dinner. And that’s exactly what they went and did.” She sighed heavily. “Corey is down there finding out if he loves her, and if he doesn’t Corey is going to find a way to get him out of here. Oh Audrey, what did we do?”
“I don’t know,” she said, “but I’m sure glad that after tonight our minds will be cleared of this entire mess.”
“That makes two of us,” Victoria stated.
Just then Katherine came out of her room. Audrey and Victoria just looked at her in shock. She looked stunning in this gown. It was one of the more modest gowns that Katherine owned, but it still hinted at what was hidden beneath it.
“You look marvelous,” Victoria breathed.
“Yes, you do,” Audrey confirmed.
“Let’s go downstairs before the men come looking for us,” Victoria said as she led the group toward the stairs that led to the dining room.

Beautiful Deceit – Part Eighteen

Victoria was the first to enter the dining room. Corey got up to meet her and bring her to her chair. As he took hold of her arm, she noticed that Andrew was still here, so far so good. As Corey went to pull her chair out, he whispered, “Remember that I love you,” into her ear. She looked at him, but couldn’t see any clues that would lead her to why he had said that.
Audrey walked in next. Percieval met her at the door, and led her to her chair. He also pulled hers out and pushed it back in when she sat down. When the doors opened again all eyes went up.
Katherine entered the room, but stopped dead at the sight of Andrew. He, on the other hand, acted as if she weren’t there at all. She slowly made her way to her seat, which Corey had pulled out for her.
Audrey and Victoria looked at each other, something was dreadfully wrong here. Then Victoria remembered Corey’s words. She looked at him, questioningly, to find out if Andrew did indeed love her. Corey completely ignored his wife and entered the conversation.
“I heard you went over to London,” Percy said to Andrew.
“Yes, I did. I had quite an adventure there, in fact.”
“Did you now?” Percy continued. “I’d like to hear about this adventure.”
“I don’t think he wants to tell it,” Corey warned.
“Yes,” Victoria agreed. “I believe it’s an adventure better suited for another time.”
“Nonsense,” Percy said. “This is the perfect time to tell it. You see, I met this little minx of a girl. She was one of those incredibly cold hearted girls that any man would run to just to see if he could melt her just a little.”
Victoria glared at her husband, who only looked at her helplessly. Victoria then turned her eyes to her sister, who was becoming more hurt with every syllable he uttered.
Audrey was just sitting back, thinking of ways to repay her husband for what he was doing.
“So then I proposed to the girl, hoping she would say yes so that I could continue this little plan of making her pay for what she had done to the poor men she had left,”
“And what if this girl had indeed fallen in love with you?” Victoria said icily. “What would you have done then?”
“There was no need to worry about that,” Andrew said happily. “You see, this girl was incapable of any type of feeling.”
Victoria stood up. “Much like you, sir. You are completely incapable of any feeling.”
Corey put his hand over his wife’s. “Torie, Sweetheart, please sit down.”
Victoria ripped her hand from his and slammed back into her seat. She stole another look at her sister. Tears were threatening to overflow Kate’s eyes, and Victoria swore revenge on her husband.
“I’m actually quite glad she ran away,” Andrew ended.
At that Kate got up and ran from the table. Victoria went to go after her, but Corey held her where she was. “Let him go after her,” he said.
Before Victoria could ponder whom he had meant by “him,” Andrew was out of his chair and striding towards the door.
Once outside, Andrew quickly caught up with Kate. He grabbed her arm and spun her around. “I have been searching for you everywhere,” he said.
“Why?” Kate asked through her tears. “So that you could humiliate me like this? Haven’t you done enough? Leave me alone,” she ordered and struggled to free herself from his grasp.
He only held on tighter and pulled her closer. “Kate, I didn’t know what to do when you refused me. I had never expected you to say ‘no’.”
“Did you little plan backfire?” She sniffed into the jacket that he had her crushed against.
“In a way you could say that,” he conceded. When she tensed he quickly began to explain. “Kate, it started out that way. It started where the only reason I was courting you was because you sister wanted--”
“My sister?” Kate asked in shock. “What does Victoria have to do with any of this?”
“It was your sister who told me about you,” he admitted. “Now don’t become angry with her. I was the one who agreed to pull of this little charade. She was just angry with you for jilting so many grooms. Kate, when you refused me, it was then that I realized I truly wanted to marry you.”
“Don’t play with me,” she said indignantly. “I’ve had enough of your games to last me a lifetime.”
“Don’t say that, Kate,” he pleaded with her. “I thought you wanted a life full of adventure.”
“I do, just not your kind.”
“Kate, please forgive me for what I did to you. I love you. Please come back to me.”
Katherine stared at him. He loved her? She looked into his eyes, searching for something, anything that would confirm her belief that he was merely toying with her.
She found nothing.

Beautiful Deceit – Epilogue

The three women laid back, almost simultaneously, into their waiting husbands’ arms. Those same arms immediately encircled them. Those same women, again simultaneously, sighed their pleasure.
The three men looked at each other, and spoke, without words, their plan. They nodded their agreement, and began tickling their unsuspecting wives in earnest.
“Leave me alone, you brute!” Victoria cried as she punched Corey’s shoulder.
“You’ll sleep on the beach for a year,” Vowed Audrey.
“I’ll leave you and go back to London,” Katherine promised Andrew.
After the women were sufficiently out of breath, and the men bruised and battered until they couldn’t take it anymore, they stopped their attack. “Where did we find such lowlifes to marry?” Audrey asked the other two girls.
“Such uncivilized lowlifes,” corrected Victoria.
“Such scheming uncivilized lowlifes,” amended Katherine.
“Scheming?” Corey yelled. “Did you hear that, men? We are the scheming ones.”
“That’s not the impression I’m getting,” Percy defended. “I believe it’s the women who can’t mind their own business.”
As the six adults argued over who was and wasn’t in the group of schemers the six children looked on from the water.
Joshua rolled his eyes. “I hope I never marry someone I’m constantly fighting with.”
Jessica looked at him, and rolled her eyes also. “They’re in love, obviously. Only people in love fight like that.”
Little Corey then looked at his two older siblings. “I’m with Josh. I don’t want to marry someone I fight with constantly.”
Cecilia looked at her three closest friends. “I think Jess is right. They’re in love. My Mother and Daddy, and your Mother and Daddy, and even James’s Mother and Daddy. They love each other.”
“That’s just because you’re a girl, and everyone seems in love to girls,” Stephen said to his sister.
“That’s not true,” Cecilia protested.
“What’s not true, Honey?” Audrey asked her daughter as the adults came to join their children.
“Stephen said that you and Daddy aren’t in love,” Cecilia pouted.
Percy laughed. “Stephen, I love your mother more than life itself.”
James then looked up at his parents. “You don’t love Mommy, do you Daddy?”
Andrew laughed at his son. “Sorry to disappoint, but yes, I do love your mother.”
“And in case anyone is wondering,” Corey added, “I love my wife too.”
The two girls smiled triumphantly at each other.
The four boys made faces to show their disgust.
The mothers threw wary glances at each other, wondering just what type of brides their lovesick daughters would make.
The fathers threw amused glances at each other in anticipation of the chases their sons were going to lead. Back To The Barbados Bunch