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p>Yeah so after that I know you guys are just dying to get to know us. LOL - ok maybe not - but that's your loss. But we definitely add spice to any person's life we meet, and anyone who has met us cannot deny that - we know that much...

Yeah let's see - we should tell people some stuff about us I guess, right??? Well let's think... Well, Leslie is tall (so you tall guys out there...wink, wink), and she dances and choreographs stuff (she's awesome at that), she's a cutie...Emily...what can we say? First of all, she's a genius (but she denies it of course), has a South African beau - yes I said African...Christie, well you already know about her eating habits (sorry hun, we all love it though), she's short like me (oh yeah this is Stephanie writing all of this, sorry I forgot to tell you guys that)...Grace, camp girl, aspiring to be a famous country (or jazz, I'm not sure which one she wants today) singer...Kelly - extremely cute and sweet, she's too nice, we all love that kid...Colleen, expert Karate person (can you tell I don't know Karate terms?)...Sarah, AKA "the nurturer" of the bunch - which we love, she's too cute when she cleans up after us...and finally me (Stephanie)...complete idiot, basically I'm the airhead of the group and everyone enjoys making fun of me (but I make fun of myself too) - basically it's because I unwittingly make self-involved comments and because of all of the extrememly weird incidents surrounding me - examples of such things include earlucky (which is explained in the quote book - you can click on it), all of my first kisses with bfs...etc. Oh and I make extremely odd faces - I guess it's a talent...LOL - but really this bunch of girls...they are some of the best people I know and are so wonderful - so I suggest you get to know us LOL.

But wait! There is one more special person who was not in attendence for the above picture but who is still an awesome person to us and that is...VAL!!! Val's the coolest - one of the best artists ever to come about - we love that girl - she's one supercool girl (she's probably gonna kill me for calling her supercool but she knows how i am) We're working on a getting a pic of that lovely lady at the present moment too...

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