Tyson: HI. And welcome to the FF channel. I am your main presenter, writer, and webmaster. Basically I do all the work around here and what thanks do I get? None! These guys pay me no respect. *Goes off sulking*

Sophie: Umm, yeah. Hi I’m Sophie. I am another one of the presenters. I write a bit as well. You can find my stuff under useless junk, talk about not getting any respect around here, geez, and he thinks he has it bad!

Bryony: Hey, I’m Bryony. And guess what, yep I'm yet another presenter, wow that was hard wasn’t it. I write too. My Stuff is I'm the "Bryony" Section of the site. Tyson is so original with these names isn't he!

Polly: I am you fourth and final presenter; but I don’t do too much of that. My strongpoint is fanfic. But these guys all do a bit of that! A girl can’t get no originality around here can she!

Tyson: There is one other person you’re like to see around here a lot but I dunno where he’s got to at the moment. His names Sefi…Siph….

???: Its SEPHIROTH dammit! And now that I’m here I’d like to say that I do all the work around here, not that Tyson. He just takes credit for it.

Tyson: Whatever!

Squall: Hey that’s *my* saying!

Tyson: Well sorry! Oh yeah, and some of the other FF guys occasionally try to help me with all the work. But to not much avail.

Sophie: I think that’s just about enough for and opening page, don’t you.

Bry: Yeah, they should all have either left or got completely hooked by now.

Pol: Most likely have left. But for those of you who do want to read on. Here’s the door for you guys…. (I would read the stuff below first though, you don’t have to but it might give you some ideas of where to check out first.)


Sephiroth: Why would they want to do that?

Tyson: OH shut up you! Anyway when you’re in there use the upper frame for navigation and the lower to read our oh-so-lovely content.

Polly: BTW. Entertainment is our main subject. Sophie’s part is good for that, as are the rambles (though there are only a few of them. A certain someone should do some work once in a while…) and the fanfic obviously.

Bryony: Come to my bit too. It’s helpful but in a light-hearted kinda manner, I hope…

Tyson: Oh its fine. But don’t go in the rambles!!! They are terrible, I wrote them myself. I should know.

Sophie: Oh come on they’re not that bad… Oh ok maybe they are.

Seph: Oh just let the strange people out there make up their own minds. And leave this page now coz the content is going steeply downhill. It’s nearly as bad as the rest of the site.

Others: HEY!

Seph: *sweat drop* Joke! Umm, Guys out there; get in the site, gotta run. Bye!!! *scarpers with the others in hot pursuit*

