Welcome to the guild blinkie service!! If you order a blinkie then be sure to come back and check the pick up section! when you see your blinkie there save it to your own server and DONT direct link cause after 3 days or when you tell me you saved your blinkie i will delete it!

here are some examples:

Example #1=
Example #2=
Example #3=
Example #4=
Example #5=
More examples coming soon!

Here are some gif's you might wanna use for blinkies:

Also more gif's coming soon for you to choose from!

Ready to Order?

Neomail xxbamboo with this information:
1.name / 2.E-mail
3.Example # / 4.All color (be specific)
5.Gif? / 6.Whats it gonna say?
7.Anything else u think is important!

Pick up:

None yet!

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