BanGin GaLz up in The CriB.... WoRd YOO!!!!
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BanGin GaLz up in The CriB.... WoRd YOO!!!!

WhaT wE do aNd doNt LikE

aye people wat iz up fellow yaarz!!!! This is The Nirali'z, Kirti'z, Swati'z, n Priti'z site!! YO BETTA RECOGNIZEE!!! umm so yeaaaa THATZ LIKE OUR ALL TIME FAVORITE WORDD!!! Swati iz 16 yearz old!! Niraliz n Kirti r 15 izent it odd that when we where lil we lived right next door to each other!! Priti iz 14 we do EVERYTHING togeather!!! NO DOUBT BOUT THAT!!!REMEMBER ONE THING... If you mess with one YOU MESS WITH ALL.. SO JUST DONT MESS AT ALL!! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*DONT MESS WITH THE BEST*~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~*CUZ YOU WILL DIE LIKE THE REST!!*~*~*~*~*~

BES WEBSITEZ....cuz we go to them!!!

FunKy PicZzZ
iF wE wErE to Be DoLLZzZ
StiLL BoRed...