My name is Kevin Phillips and I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome on Wednesday 31st May 2000 after suspecting I had the condition for some time previously. In recent years of course, Asperger's has been incorporated with Autism and the label dropped. I almost certainly have Sensory Processing Disorder, which wasn't diagnosed in May 2000, and Social Anxiety to big extent.
I have listed my website under the initials of my full name rather than my initials.
If you genuinely suspect that you have AS or any other Autistic Spectrum condition, my advice is seek a diagnosis immediately. Don't put it off for one second. I personally found that it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life, so far.
Whilst I hope this website is helpful and useful to you, I can only speak for myself when it comes to describing my own life with the condition, but I am sure that when reading my website, you will find there are several common, and consistent themes, which most people with Autism and AS have experienced throughout their lives.
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