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Most viruses on the internet are sent using messenger programs, email clients and web sites. I'll discuss each one for you.

Messenger programs
People can send a virus to someone else by asking them if they want to see a pic. Now pic files are named like cat.gif. Any file with a .pic .iff .gif .tif .bmp .jpg are picture files. it is impossible to infect these files with a virus. Never recieve a file from someone if it has a file extension like .exe .bat .com or .vbs - It will most likly be a virus and will infect your machine. The common virus on MSN is this annoying one what says something about bush and trying to get you to click the link to infect your computer.

Since hotmail is a web based email client it is hard to infect your computer. You have to click on the attachement and then a message will pop up saying whether or not its a virus. But follow the same rule with email and look out for the .exe .vbs .com .bat files. even if a file says pic.bmp.vbs this will be a virus trying to discuise itself as a picture file.

The main rule you should do when surfing the internet is 'think before you click' Say someone you dont know tells you to click a link be careful. You could click that link and go to a site where automatically a virus could be sent to your machine. This isnt very common but it still can happen so be careful.
The other situation is downloading. Its always best to download from a web site what virus checks there file. One of the best sites to get files from is

There are many virus checkers on the market. Alot of them cost $60 up and then after a while they charge you to update the virus definition file. There is a very good virus checker called AVG available from They offer a free personal version with free updates twice a month. I recommend this program as its very good.   At the end of the day a virus checker is only good to you if you keep it updated. New viruses come out daily. Once downloading a file on the internet it is always best to check it for a virus.