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wOrD, yA HeArD?!

dL nOw!

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waddup to my...
BoYs: andrew sean ian sweena scottie garrett tommy weiner zack paul peter walshie cohen trevor pat stevo kevbo jared bruce nate kareem jay booboo josh zo scoot dave steinberg will piep brendan mattyb dwrek brian mcdonough alex pat mattyk dan gordo shawn healy maloney rob chris pat jeff ozzy jim bob brooks samir terry keith justin jon christiaan lionel garvens rob dan jared rawleigh mike vernon fabien anthony bruno aaron javan jon rob nelly scott jon jeff brett ricardo aaron shawn craig aaron ray josh ben andrew at spenser zack dave ben john dave mike pat dan joe chris melvin rob jason nelson auly jeff jeremy steve will dabush eric ron jerry mickeyb o'malley moccia mark chris ed aaron milord jay an brian tuck tony billy darren brandon alap nick pat tony benjie dave oliver matt spencer steve james josh mike jim dan joey adam jordan jason brendan jesse justin jonathon phil jesse mike chris john phil adam tom joe lucas kevin rob

[if i could rearrange the alphabet, i'd put you between F and CK]

LaDiEs: annie amanda katelyn jeanine meghan jojo melissa shay whit denise nelle heatha erica jax con leaf kristi jbrew cassy tania obie shannon steph kia joyce grace loan laurie hong jenn nicole jamie melissa fox emily megan rachel heather kerri rachael bblank danielle cannonz emily laura sarah nicole lauren doan lauren deb michelle jen kate julia tracy sophia joanna teri kim tonz jam jenna wilbz sam dana binny allison jenn jilly tania laura allison melissa ella bic bmak erin meredith mandy heather casey lisa hilary kori jocelyn kayla justine tayla mary natalie mish kerri jen erin alyssa alison nessa katelyn pam nicole danielle ashley nicholle amy allison judi linh lydia jess courtney alex casey caitlin hilary jenny quantai diana keshia yaritza nessa virginia andrea angela sara joanne alyssa allie arielle christine lindsay diana angela cheryl ashley rachel deanna ashley shannon siobhan sam caitlin kristi kara fallon katie lindsay zeina trish mary merri colleen amy christine kristen katelyn caralie kristin marissa maria julie ginger jessica claudia

aRe yOu dOwN?!?
  • people have the BEST screennames!
  • what up u schmuck? kiss my schmuck! yo, she called u a fool! what do u gotta say? that's all i gotta say. *some people just can't rhyme lol*
  • ur the SHIT if ur in band!
  • yo, i'm chillin in boston wit my girl vo. we're 5 miles behind con, nini + jojo. u kno it's cuz we madd slow. oh shit, u feelin that flo?
  • we're chillin here in front of the ducks. we all know jojo really sucks. just playin
  • don't worry, we weren't gonna die. we weren't on the wrong side of the road or nethin. ;)
  • first one to show up...first one to be fucked up. (double E lol)
  • InTeReStS:
    music . friends . techno . pickup lines . summer . comedies . driving . video games . everwood . food . boys . money . pool . eminem . sarcasm . laughing . gilmore girls . sleeping . shopping . fun . clothes . glow sticks . rap . shoes . dance . insulting . swimming . colin farrell . beach . obie trice . key chains . parties . linkin park . cars . belts . dark eyeshadow . ebonics . accessories . paul walker . aéropastale . bball . eyes

    dOn'T bE HaTiN!
    yOu SwEaT iT!

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