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My Low Fat Recipe Book

CARROT CAKE  (low Fat)

Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 16   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Cakes                            Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2      cups          Flour -- all purpose
   1      teaspoon      Baking powder
     3/4  teaspoon      Salt
   1                    Crushed pineapple (8 oz can)
   1      teaspoon      Vanilla
   3                    Large egg whites
   1 1/2  cups          Sugar
   2      teaspoons     Cinnamon
   1      teaspoon      Baking soda
     1/4  teaspoon      Nutmeg
   3      tablespoons   Vegetable oil
   3      cups          Carrots -- shredded
   1      pinch         Cloves

Preheat oven to 350F.  Line 13 x 9 in. baking pan with foil. 
Coat with vegetable cooking spray.  Combine first seven ingredients
in bowl. Beat sugar, pineapple, oil and vanilla in mixer bowl
until smooth. Beat in dry ingredients until just combined.  Stir
in carrots. Beat egg whites in small mixer bowl to stiff peaks.
 Fold into carrot mixture in 2 batches with rubber spatula. 
Pour batter into pan. Bake 40 min. or until toothpick comes out
clean.  Cool in pan on wire rack. Invert cake onto wax paper;
remove pan and foil. Cut into 16 pieces.

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Chicken                          Chinese

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     1/4  cup           Firmly packed brown sugar
     1/4  cup           Vinegar
  15      ounces        Pineapple chunks in juice
   1      cup           onions -- cut into thin rings
   2                    Skinless boneless chicken breast
   2      tablespoons   Cornstarch
   1      tablespoon    Soy sauce
   1      cup           Green Pepper -- strips
   1      tablespoon    Oil

*Cut into thin strips. In a medium bowl, combine sugar and cornstarch.
Gradually stir in vinegar and soy sauce. Stir in pineapple, green
pepper and onion, set aside.  Heat oil in wok. Add chicken and
stir fry, just until tender, and chicken has turned white.  Add
pineapple and vegetable mixture; stir until well mixed. Cover
and simmer over low heat 15 minutes.
Cal: 314; Fat 7g.

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Recipe By     : Net
Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Apples                           Cobblers

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      cup           oatmeal
   1      cup           wheat flour
     1/2  cup           apple juice, frozen concentrate
     1/2  tsp.          cinnamon
   1                    apple
   1                    egg white
     1/4  tsp.          baking powder

 Cut the apple into bite sized pieces.  Mix together everything
except the
 apples.  Put a thin layer (1/8-1/4") of mixture on the bottom
of a non-stick
 or Pammed round pan.  Put apples on top of this.  Then spread,
plop, drop or
 get the rest of the mix on top of the apples someway.  Then bake
at 350F.about
20 minutes.

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 16   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Bananas                          Brownies

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      cup           Flour -- all purpose
     1/4  cup           Nonfat dry milk powder
     1/4  teaspoon      Salt
   1      cup           Sugar
     1/4  cup           Buttermilk
     1/3  cup           Cocoa -- unsweetened
     1/4  teaspoon      Baking soda
   1                    Banana -- large,ripe
   2                    Large egg whites
   1      teaspoon      Vanilla

Preheat oven 350F. Coat 9 in. square baking pan with vegetable
cooking spray.  Combine flour, cocoa, milk powder, baking soda
and salt in bowl.
Puree banana, sugar, egg whites, buttermilk and vanilla in food
processor until smooth.  Add dry ingredients and pulse just until
blended. Pour into prepared pan.  Bake 25 minutes or until toothpick
comes out clean. Cut into 2 in. squares.

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Puddings                         Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2      cups          apples -- grated
   2      tablespoons   lemon juice
   4      cups          Wheat bread -- cubed, small
     1/3  cup           Raisins
   1      teaspoon      Cinnamon
   1 1/2  cups          Skim Milk
     1/2  cup           Maple syrup
     1/2  teaspoon      vanilla
   2                    egg whites

Mix lemon juice with grated apple. Blend the soymilk, egg replacer,
maple syrup
and cinnamon (and vanilla, if you use it) together. P
ut one third of the bread in the bottom of a greased 8" by 8"
baking dish and
cover with 1 cup of the apples and half the raisins.  P
our one cup of the liquid mixture over these ingredients.  Repeat
the layers of
bread, apple and raisins, ending with a top layer of
Pour the rest of the liquid ingredients over it.  Sprinkle with
cinnamon. Let
pudding sit for a few minutes (original recipes called
for 20 minutes, I let it sit for 5). Bake, covered, at 350 degrees
F (325 if you
use a glass dish) for 45 minutes. Let stand for 10 t
o 20 minutes at room temperature before serving. Was great for

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Recipe By     : Shape - March 1995
Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Chicken                          Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1 1/2  tablespoons   canola oil
     1/4  teaspoon      black pepper
   1      teaspoon      ground ginger
   1      teaspoon      garlic -- minced
   1      teaspoon      paprika
   2      cups          40% Bran FlakesŪ -- or other cereal
                         -- crushed fine
   4                    boneless skinless chicken breasts

Combine canola oil, black pepper, ground ginger, minced garlic
and paprika in a small bowl to make a marinade.  Pour cereal
onto a plate.  Brush both sides of each chicken breasts with
oil mixture, then press lightly into cereal to coat evenly.

Bake chicken at 350F on an ungreased cookie sheet for 25 min or
until browned (turn chicken halfway thru baking).

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ROAST CHICKEN WITH SAGE                   

Recipe By     : Shape - May 1995
Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Chicken                          Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      tablespoon    dried sage
   2      cups          chicken broth, defatted
     1/2  cup           apple juice, frozen concentrate -- thawed
   5      pounds        chicken
   2      tablespoons   olive oil
          dash          salt and pepper
   1      medium        onion -- diced
   2      tablespoons   fresh sage -- chopped

Preheat oven to 375F.  Comb. dried sage, broth, and juice in a
bowl.  Rinse chicken pieces and pat dry.  Rub ea piece w/ a little
olive oil and sprinkle w/ salt and peppers.  Place chicken and
onion in a roasting pan.  Sprinkle fresh sage over the chicken
pieces.  Add broth mix to pan.

Bake 45 min-1 hr, basting often.  Serve chicken hot w/onions and
basting suace.

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 24   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Brownies                         Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   4                    Large eggs
   2      cups          Sugar
   1      cup           Pumpkin
   1      teaspoon      Vanilla
   1      tablespoon    Vegetable oil
   1 1/4  cups          Unsweetened cocoa powder
   1      cup           Flour

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly coat a 9 x 13" baking
pan with vegetable cooking spray.

 2. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the eggs and
sugar on high speed until thick and pale.  Beat in the pumpkin,
vanilla and oil.

 3. Sift together the cocoa and flour.  Add to the mixer, beating
just to combine.  Transfer the batter to the prepared pan and
bake 25 minutes.
The brownies will still be a little soft in the center.  Remove
from the oven and cool on a rack.

 Note: These brownies are very heavy and fudgie in texture.

 Per brownie information:
Calories.........101         Monounsaturated fat.....1gr Protein..........2gr
        Saturated fat...........1gr Fat..............2gr    
    Polyunsaturated fat.....0gr Carbohydrates...23gr        
Cholesterol.............9mg Sodium...........3mg

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Chicken                          Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   4                    boneless skinless chicken breasts
   2      tablespoons   flour
   1 1/2  teaspoons     olive oil
   1      teaspoon      butter
     1/2  cup           chicken broth
   1      tablespoon    lemon juice

In a non-stick skillet over a medium heat, melt butter and mix
with  olive oil. Meanwhile coat chicken breasts with flour. 
Place chicken breasts in skillet and brown both sides.  Add lemon
juice to broth. When chicken is brown on both sides, pour broth
with lemon juice into the skillet, cover tightly with a lid,
and turn heat down to medium low.  Simmer for 15 minutes.  Remove
cover from skillet and reduce broth until thicked. Remove chicken
breasts and pour thickened sauce over top.

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Recipe By     : Shape - May 1995
Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Low-Fat/Low-Cal                  Pasta

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   4      cloves        garlic -- peeled and minced
   3      tablespoons   olive oil
   3      cups          Italian plum tomatoes -- coarsely chopped
                        salt and pepper -- to taste
  18      ounces        linguini -- or other thin pasta
   1      bunch         fresh basil leaves -- no stems, chopped
  12      tablespoons   parmesan cheese -- freshly grated

Saute garlic in olive oil until golden, but not brown.  Add tomatoes,
salt and pepper and simmer over med. heat for 20 min.

Meanwhile, prepare pasta according to package.  When sauce is
done simmering, remove from heat and stir in basil.  Toss pasta
with sauce and serve.  Top with cheese.

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Recipe By     : Shape
Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Low-Fat/Low-Cal                  Pasta

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   6      ounces        fettucine -- uncooked
     1/3  cup           lowfat sour cream
   3      tablespoons   fresh chives -- chopped
   1      tablespoon    lemon peel -- grated
   2      teaspoons     lemon juice
   1      teaspoon      soft margarine
     1/2  teaspoon      salt
     1/4  teaspoon      white pepper

Boil 3 quarts water.  Add fettuccine.  Stir until water boils
again (about 30 seconds).  Cook 10-12 minutes and drain.  Mix
remaining ingredients and toss with fettuccine.  Serve hot as
a side to poultry or as a refreshing entree.

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Low-Fat/Low-Cal                  Cheesecakes

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2                    8 ounce packages of fatfree
                        Cream cheese
   1      package       Knox gelatin
  10                    Packets of Equal brand
                        Sweetener or 1/2 cup sugar
   1      teaspoon      Vanilla
     1/2  teaspoon      Lemon juice
   1      cup           Water.

Boil 1/4 cup water in a pan, or in a glass measuring cup in the
Sprinkle gelatin on water.  Wait 2 minutes, then stir to dissolve.
 Add 3/4 cup of water to make a full cup of water/gelatin.

 In a blender,  or in a bowl with an electric mixer, combine the
water/gelatin, the cream cheese, vanilla, lemon juice and sweetener.
Mix thoroughly.

 Spray an 8" or 9" pie pan.  Pour mixture in pan.  Allow to set
in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving. Serves

 TOPPING:  (This is my mom Sophie's recipe for pie filling):

 3 cups berries (not strawberries) 5 - 10 packets of Equal Sweetener
or 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon of thickener (flour, or
arrowroot, or corn or potato starch) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4
teaspoon lemon juice 
 Put 1/2 of berries in a small pot (or microwave safe dish). 
Mix in thickener. Heat to a boil, stirring.

 Add sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice.  Don't add Equal at this
time. Stir as it cooks and thickens.  Turn off heat.  Add Equal,
if you are using it.
Stir in remainder of berries.  Do not cook further.  Refrigerate
if you like it cool, or use immediately if you want the berries

 Spoon over cheesecake..

 Cheater Recipe:

 2 - 8 ounce packages of no fat creamcheese 1 package of Jello
any flavor, sugar free or regular 1 teaspoon vanilla 
 Dissolve Jello into a cup of hot water.   Stir for 2 minutes.
 Add a cup of cold water. Stir (this is the usual recipe for
making Jello). With electric beaters or blender, combine this
warm jello with the cream cheese and vanilla. Spray a pie plate
and pour mixture in. Allow 4 hours to set.
Serves 8. You can use the topping described above.
Converted to MM by Donna Webster

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 10   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Cheesecakes                      Chocolate

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     2/3  cup           Skim milk
     1/4  cup           Skim milk
   1                    Envelope unflavoured gelatin
   6      tablespoons   Sugar
   2                    Eggs, separated -- room temp.
   2      teaspoons     Vanilla extract
  12      ounces        Low fat cottage cheese
   3      tablespoons   Unsweetened cocoa
                        -----CHOCOLATE CRUMB CRUST-----
     1/2  cup           Vanilla wafer crumbs
   1      tablespoon    Unsweetened cocoa
   1 1/2  tablespoons   Butter or marg. melted

In small saucepan over medium high heat, bring 2/3 cup milk to
a boil; set aside. In container of blender, sprinkle gelatin
over remaining 1/4 cup cold skim milk; let stand 4 to 5 minutes.
Add boiling skim milk; cover and blend at low speed 2 min. Add
3 T sugar, egg yolks and vanilla; blend at medium speed until
well mixed. Add cottage cheese; blend at high speed until smooth.
Remove 3/4 c mixture to use for marbling; chill until mixture
begins to thicken. Combine 1 T sugar and cocoa; add to blender
container and blend until mixed. Pour chocolate mixture into
large bowl. Chill, stirring occasionally, until mixture mounds
when dropped from spoon. In small bowl with electric mixer at
high speed, beat egg whites until foamy.
Gradually add remaining 2 T sugar; beat until stiff peaks form.
Fold beaten whites into chocolate mixture; pour chocolate mixture
into prepared crust.
Spoon large dollops of vanilla mixture over chocolate; with knife
or spatula, gently swirl to create marbled effect. Cover; refrigerate
until firm, about 4 to 5 hours. Chocolate Crumb Crust In small
bowl, combine crumbs and cocoa; add butter and stir until evenly
blended. Press mixture evenly on bottom of 9 in. springform pan.

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 24   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Brownies                         Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   4                    Large eggs
   2      cups          Sugar
   1      cup           Pumpkin
   1      teaspoon      Vanilla
   1      tablespoon    Vegetable oil
   1 1/4  cups          Unsweetened cocoa powder
   1      cup           Flour

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly coat a 9 x 13" baking
pan with vegetable cooking spray.

 2. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the eggs and
sugar on high speed until thick and pale.  Beat in the pumpkin,
vanilla and oil.

 3. Sift together the cocoa and flour.  Add to the mixer, beating
just to combine.  Transfer the batter to the prepared pan and
bake 25 minutes.
The brownies will still be a little soft in the center.  Remove
from the oven and cool on a rack.

 Note: These brownies are very heavy and fudgie in texture.

 Per brownie information:
Calories.........101         Monounsaturated fat.....1gr Protein..........2gr
        Saturated fat...........1gr Fat..............2gr    
    Polyunsaturated fat.....0gr Carbohydrates...23gr        
Cholesterol.............9mg Sodium...........3mg

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 16   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Brownies                         Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   3      ounces        Unsweetened chocolate
   1      cup           Granulated sugar
     3/4  cup           Flour
     3/4  cup           Lowfat coffee yogurt
   3                    Egg whites
   1      teaspoon      Vanilla extract
     1/4  teaspoon      Salt
                        Powdered Sugar

Heat oven to 350F. Over very low heat, melt chocolate; cool slightly.
In food processor, puree all ingredients, except chocolate and
powdered sugar, until smooth. Add melted chocolate. Blend well.
Pour into lightly buttered, 8-inch square pan. Bake 20-25 minutes
or until just set. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut into squares.

 Calories: about 100 per square 
 Source: National Dairy Board ad, Good Housekeeping magazine,
November 1992, page 211

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Recipe By     : Shape - Dec. 1995
Serving Size  : 2    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Low-Fat/Low-Cal                  Pork

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   8      ounces        pork tenderloin
     1/2  teaspoon      coriander
     1/2  teaspoon      dried rosemary
     1/2  teaspoon      ground ginger
     1/4  cup           frozen orange juice concentrate
   2      slices        bread

Turn on broiler.  Cover pan with foil.  Wash and dry pork - cut
into 4 equal pieces.  

In a bowl large enough to hold the pork, combine rest of ingred
except bread.  Season with pepper.  Add pork and coat well.

Broil pork for 10-12 min.  Serve with bread.

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Serving Ideas : Have Sweet & Sour Red Cabbage and Apples as a
side dish.

ORANGE TAPIOCA                              

Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1 1/2  cups          Skim milk
   1                    Egg -- beaten
   1      tablespoon    Sugar
   1      dash          Salt (not in sodium estimate
   3      tablespoons   Quick-cooking tapioca
     1/2  cup           Orange juice
     1/2  teaspoon      Vanilla
     1/2  cup           Diced fresh orange or peach

Combine milk, egg, sugar, salt and tapioca in saucepan.  Cook
on medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils.

 Remove from heat.  Add orange juice slowly, stirring constantly.
 Return to heat, stirring until mixture boils.  Remove from heat.

 Let cool, stirring occasionally.  Mix in vanilla and diced oranges.
 Chill before serving.

 1/2 cup serving - 1 fruit exchange, 74 calories 3.4 gm protein,
1.1 gm fat, 12.7 gm carbohydrate, 43.4 mg sodium, 179.8 mg potassium,
.3 gm fiber, 47 mg cholesterol.

 Source:  Am. Diabetes Assoc. Family Cookbook Vol 1, 1987 Shared
but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier Nov 93.

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Recipe By     : Shape - Dec 1994
Serving Size  : 30   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Brownies                         Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   4                    egg whites
     1/2  cup           buttermilk
   2 1/2  ounces        prunes -- 1 jar of baby food
   1      teaspoon      vanilla
     3/4  cup           cocoa
     1/2  teaspoon      baking soda
     1/2  cup           boiling water
   1 3/4  cups          sugar
   1      cup           all-purpose flour
     1/2  cup           whole-wheat flour
   1 1/4  cups          peanut butter chips

Preheat oven to 350F.  Beat egg whites until foamy.  Stir in buttermilk,
prunes and vanilla.  Set aside.  In a large mixing bowl, combine
cocoa and baking soda; ass boiling water and stir until mixture
thickens.  Stir in egg-white mixture until smooth.  Add sugar
and flours; blend completely.  Stir in peanut butter chips. 
Pour batter into a 13x9 inch baking pan lightly ocated with nonstick
cooking spray.  Bake for 30 min.  Let cool before cutting.

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Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 35   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Low-Fat/Low-Cal                  Ethnic

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     1/2  pound         Shelled pistachio nuts
   3      tablespoons   Sugar
     3/4  teaspoon      Ground cinnamon
   1 1/2  tablespoons   Rose water
     1/2  pound         Filo dough
     1/2  cup           Low-calorie margarine -- ground
                        Rose Water Syrup
                        Whole cloves -- optional

This rich-tasting baklava contains half the amount of sugar and
a fraction of the fat you would normally use, thanks to reduced
fats, sugar, and nuts.
The results will fool anyone. 1. Combine pistacho nuts, sugar,
cinnamon and rose water in small bowl. Using half of filo sheets
(cover remaining with plastic wrap to prevent from drying out),
place 3 sheets in bottom of lightly greased 13x9" baking sheet.
Brush with some of margarine. Sprinkle evenly with nut mixture.
Place remaining sheets over nut filling, brushing after every
third sheet and top sheet. 2. Cut baklava at 1-1/2" intervals
diagonally to form pattern of about 35 diamond shapes. Bake at
400'F. 25 minutes or until golden. Place on wire rack to cool.
Drizzle Rose Water Syrup evenly over top and allow to soak several
hours. Stud each diamond-shape with whole clove. Each piece baklava
with syrup contains about: 85 calories; 32mg sodium; 0 cholesterol;
5 grams fat; 9 grams carbohydrate; 2 grams protein; trace fiber.
Exchanges: 1/2 bread; 1/2 fat.
From: Michael Orchekowski

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PEACH AMBROSIA                            

Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Fruits                           Low-Fat/Low-Cal

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      package       Unflavored gelatin
     1/4  cup           Cold water
     1/2  cup           Skim milk
   2      packages      Low-cal vanilla shake mix
   1      teaspoon      Vanilla
   6      each          Ice cubes
   2      each          Medium peaches; peel -- chop
     1/2  cup           Coconut

In a saucepan, sprinklegelatin over water and let stand for 1
Stir over low heat until gelatin is dissolved.  In blender, mix
milk, shake mix, vanilla and gelatin mixture for 30 seconds at
low speed, adding ice cubes one at a time.  Blend at high speed
until mixture thickens. Transfer to a bowl and fold in peaches.
 Spoon into dishes and sprinklewith coconut.
Chill for 1 hour and serve. NUTRITION INFORMATION PER SERVING:
MAGAZINE 3/92*****

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