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Player App






Our mission is travel across the continental US competing against other competitive teams, while developing and honing the skills of each player. This will be achieved through providing and promoting a fun learning atmosphere for kids who endeavor to play America's true past time - Baseball.

Youth Baseball


Our purpose is primarily to compete at a high level against kids in the same age group. To give kids an opportunity to be a part of an organization like this promotes rapid skill development, travel possibilities and an incredible amount of exposure that can't achieved from playing community ball. This opportunity gives kids with outstanding abilities the opportunity to play the game without typical league rules & restrictions. We believe that competing at a consistent level and playing teams with talent will prepare them for the high school level, and perhaps, beyond. Our desire is to prepare, develop and teach your children how to play America's true favorite past time and build on that initial desire that first brought them out to the ballpark.



Here are some of the sponsors who have helped to make this organization successful year in and year out. We thank you for your support and your contributions turn little dreams into big league possibilities. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a sponsor, please do no hesitate to contact us.



Contact Information

 If you are interested in becoming a part of our organization as a player we hold tryouts on an ongoing basis and are always in need of additional players.