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click on dems if you wants dems bigger.
JR, Daniel, and Jeremy. Jiffy, Annie, and JR
Jeremy and Taylor (I don't know why there's that line through the middle) Daniel and me. And I look really retarded on purpose. Seriously. On purpose.
Jeremy breakin' it down. Mrs.Allen and Mrs.Denton
This was supposed to be Roy and Cori, but Garrett decided to not-so-subtly get in the way. And this was supposed to be Mrs.Allen, but my hand decided to not-so-subtly not-take-a-picture-of-Mrs.Allen.
Bye guys! (Chris Thomas, Short Joey kid, Jeremy's back, and Taylor's unseen presence) We're going home! See? Going home. (Annie, JR, and Jiffy)
Jiffy's supertruck. Home sweet hole. Er. Home.
Yay, my room. Yay, my giant monitor. (Sorry, my room is really dimly lit, apparently.)



Everyone at Lunch

         Made by Travis Mansbridge on May 10th, 2004      
    best veiwed in 1337 x 666 resolution, while on crack   
