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This site deals with controversial theories on historical figures and religion. If you are offended by this idea, please leave now, and please do not spam us with your hate mail, as you have been warned.

I have been interested in history since I stumbled onto the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail about 13 year ago. I failed nearly every history class I ever took in school, but this was interesting! One thing lead to another, and somehow, Joan of Arc was thrown into the picture. (By way of Rene d'Anjou, et al)

Basically, this site is my forum for venting what has been accumulating in my head for those years. Open discussion and debate is welcome, as I am not an historian and am speculating some of this, while raising questions and trying to find answers that suit me. While I will not tolerate hateful emails nor slander, nor insults! As I've said, this is a forum to help me unleash some of this knowledge and raise questions.

If anyone has anything constructive to contribute, please email me your proposal and all will be considered.

Thank you for taking the time to read this introduction, and I hope you all find this intriguing, amusing, enlightening and/or helpful!