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The BIG, the BAAAD, and the DEVILS!

There may be more than one way to skin a cat but there is ONLY one way to groom a grump--VERY CAREFULLY!

Beau the Badass Bonehead

Beau is a 4 year old Pekingese loved, er, I mean TOLERATED, by Pat Glenn of Columbus, Ohio! Generally speaking, the breed can be traced back to China's Tang Dynasty....however, Beau can be only traced back to HELL! Beau clearly aspires to be a dirty, stinky, junkyard dog and his surly attitude helped him fulfill his aspirations, TEMPORARILY! Tired of wearing a gas mask in her own home, Pat called us and giggling nervously asked, "So you take on behaviorally challenged pets, heh?" Kitty muzzles work great on the little flat-faced DEVIL! The rest is flaming history!

Some pictures really ARE worth a thousand words....

After seeing this picture what can we tell you about Scooter that would surprise you? GRRRRRRRRRR