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Eileen Parker                                                                                                                          1

DCOM210-V1WW               Assignment 8.3 Color Reaction                                    7/6/03



Diagram 1

When complementary colors are applied, it produces a bold scintillating (vibration of colors) effect (Fundamentals of Graphic Design-Module 4-Color) that is animated and brilliant. Each complement seems to vibrate in the center of the diagram where the two colors meet which is known as simultaneous contrast (Eiseman, 2000 p. 12). Each half is intensified with the yellow appearing very warm and purple very cool. (Eiseman, 2000 p. 12) and each half competes for the viewer’s attention.

To correct this effect, create a tone, raising the intensity of each color by adding some purple to the yellow and some yellow to the purple. (Brainard, 2003, p. 68, 71)

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

The red stripe dominates and appears to float in front of the squares creating a stable figure and ground. Its warmth balances the coolness of the squares (Brainard, 2003, p. 73) and creates unity by tying the background squares together. Since the color scheme is analogous, a harmonious effect is achieved. (Eiseman, 2000, p. 12). In addition, it makes the blue and purple appear redder.


The red and blue color combination might be used in displays or advertisements for American patriotism, liberty, or armed services.


Diagram 3


The left half of the diagram has a high key contrast. The smaller, blue square dominates as the figure, is warmed by the orange ground, and appears to stand out from the page. Conversely, the orange appears cooler but the overall effect of the left half is warm. The right half of the diagram has a low-key contrast. It appears primarily cool due to the blue ground. The small, orange square appears to sink or appear further away in the blue background. The complementary colors balance each half as well as the overall design.


The left half is used on the Sunkist orange soda can. Orange stimulates the appetite and conveys a sweet fruit taste (Eiseman, 2000, p. 28, 29) while blue relates to clean water. (Eiseman, 2000, p. 41)


Each half might be used together for an organization or product that wishes to convey seriousness and reliability through the blue color with a bit of playfulness interjected through the use of orange.


Diagram 4


This diagram represents a 216 color, web-safe color palette.

The colors function together as a palette because they are monochromatic and vary in value and intensity. They create a stable figure (purple square) and ground (purple/pink and pink/purple squares) and directional flow is indicated from the figure to the ground. The foreground square is very cool and is balanced by the warmer background squares. Color unity is conveyed through the near mathematical balance in the hexadecimal codes with purple=990099, purple/pink=FF00FF, and pink/purple incorporating both of the previous colors and coded as FF99FF.

The purple square dominates in the foreground and functions as the focal point. The viewer is then led to the subdominant purple/pink square on the left, then to the subordinate pink/purple square on the right. (Franklin University, Fundamentals of Graphic Design-Module 2 Elements and Principles of Design; Eiseman, 2000 p. 62)

The uses of this palette are sweet tastes and scents or cosmetics. (Eiseman, 2000 p. 24, 49)


            Franklin University, Fundamentals of Graphic Design-Module 4 Color (n.d.). Retrieved July 1,2003:


Franklin University, Fundamentals of Graphic Design-Module 2 Elements and Principles of Design (n.d.). Retrieved July 4,2003:


               Brainard, Shirl (2003). A Design Manual. Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Pearson Education, Inc.


            Eiseman, Leatrice. (2000). Panatone Guide To Communicating with Color.

Sarasota, FL: Grafix Press, Ltd.


Frederick, Grace (1997-2000). Web Safe Color Palette. Retrieved July 6, 2003 from the World Wide Web: