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Planning Project Evaluation


Thank you for participating as a member of the Leadership Group in the Independent Living Planning Project. As we prepare to submit the report on project outcomes and the projected Action Plan to the Freddie Mac Foundation, it will be extremely helpful to include your evaluation and assessment of the project. Please respond to each item below:


1.  The primary area in which I work is best described as (Check as many as apply):

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

      Advocacy                                                           Legal/justice services

      Child welfare                                                       Public policy

      Community level administrator                             Service provision

      Education                                                            Transition systems development

      Executive management                                         Youth development                          

      Independent living                                                Other:



not                        very

true                       true


2.  The Leadership Group worked well together toward clarifying challenges facing transitional youth, exploring successful models, and identifying components of an Action Plan to address transitioning issues in the District.


not                        very

true                       true

3.   The planning project was well coordinated and facilitated.


not                        very

true                       true

4.   The planning project was successful in reaching its goal.


not                        very

true                       true

5.   The planning project was helpful to my work and contributed to service development/expansion at my agency


not                        very

true                       true

6.  What elements of the project made it successful?


not                        very

true                       true


7.   What aspects of the project, if any, would you do differently?