marth1, Dr.Mario - 3559.5 Feet, Tipper At 219%
Sin, Mario - 1351.1m / 4432.9ft, tipper @ 250%
Sin, Luigi - 1250.9m / 4104.1ft tip @ 239%
Sin, Bowser - 1340.6m / 4398.4ft, 32% forward smash @ 194%
marth1, Peach - 6002.5 ft, Reverse down smash Bomb @ 209%
MAC, Yoshi - 5416.5 ft, tipper @ 281%
Link_Enfant, yoshi PAL - MH @ 259%
marth1, Donkey Kong - 4720.9 Ft, 30% Giant Punch At 230%
Sin, Captain Falcon - 6811.6ft 2076.1m, AAFP @ 280%
LPKDM, Ganondorf - 11345.2ft, 55% RWP @ 255%
MAC, Falco - 4019.6ft, aerial CH @ 242%
marth1, Fox - 4182.9 ft, tipper @ 242%
Ice Mario, NESS - 1142.7m, tipper @ 226%
Sin, Ice Climbers - 6463.8ft, Co-op mid hit @ 297% with 331% after
marth1 Ice Climbers - 10,078.4 Ft, BT Down At 389% NTSC glitch score
Ice mario, Kirby - 3078.8ft, aerial tipper @ 198%
marth1, Samus - 1417.3 Meters, Tipper At 257%
Ice mario, Zelda - 947.4m, aerial tipper @ 198%
TheDan11, Link - 3417.7 ft, tipper @ 215%
TAKA, Young Link - 3300.3 ft, aerial tipper @ 207%
Marth1, Pichu - 4431.6ft, FCSB @ 182%
marth1, Pikachu - 3560.8, tipper @ 219%
marth1, Jigglypuff - 4912.5ft, 45% bd rest @ 161%
marth1, Mewtwo - 922.5m , MH @ 200%
marth1, Mr.Game&Watch - 5631.7 Ft, BD J9 At 232%
TAKA, NTSC - 1004.0 m, tipper @ 208%
marth1, Roy - 1777.5m, 41% FB @ 141%
Please don't download all the vids all the time, cuz angelfire gives very little bandwith, so if you want to watch them, save them to your pc.
Other HRC stuff
My aim screenname is chronokiller7
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