  • History: Sometimes Hangers Company started with a good imagination in Kokomo, Indiana. I was playing with Barbie dolls before long I had imagined hangers. My hangers and Barbies' hangers matching!WOW! Then, a great change to these hangers, fashion curves. It was a wild imagination!
  • Patent: My company started by patetting my invention. All I had to do was call 1-877-381-idea. Information came in the mail and I went from there.
  • Making: In order to make my hangers, I had to find the right plastic materials to melt down with oil. Then, I shaped the plastic on wooden molds.
  • Selling: This stage was hard. I started selling locally to friends and family. I had to make sure that people liked my hangers. Next, I sold my them in my own store in Gainesville, Florida. More stores have opened since then.
  • Now: Selling on the internet is my new project, so e-mail me at to order your Sometimes hangers! $2.00 by check or money order. $1.00 for per hanger, $1.00 for shipping of one hanger. p.s. this is only a testing!!! I'm not selling yet!!! Rebecca Jean Ann Gaylor
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