This is my snowboarding website

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April 6, 2004

I've been gone for the last couple days so I havent been able to do any work. I'm working on making my links work so i need to make new pages

April 1, 2004

Hey today im going to make my site better. I'm going to add links and hopefully by tomorrow I can have a hover affect for them. And yes im going to need a lot of Sam's help because he is smart like that

March 31, 2004

Well today I have just figured out that I was doing my site completley wrong. I had not been editing the format in my CSS document so i strugled with that for a while today

March 25, 2004

This is my new and improved snowboarding website. Last trimester I did all of my stuff in Dreamweaver without using CSS. You will find many things on this site. You will find a bunch of stuff on this site from good mountains to begginers. I will tell people about what equipment they should buy and when they have that equipment where to use it. I will put full instructions on how to do tricks.

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