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Beau's Home Page

Hello,buddies.You are visiting Beau's personal webpage.

I come from a mid-sized city called Zheng Zhou in China.

well,I am sure that you won't know where it is right now unless you are my close friend.

So the red dot on the map is my hometown.

China->My home town

At the moment, I'm studying in the Computer Science Department of the University of Waikato

The University of Waikato is located in Hamilton city, which is a small but beautiful city in New Zealand.

New Zealand

I'm graduating soon, and I wanna find a job in NZ.However, I find it already a hard job to find a job that is relavent to my major.oh, by the way, I'm majored in Software Development.

So,that's pretty much it is. I will try to make the site look more beautiful,so see you next time.



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