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Start by having a look at this house map, that will give you some bearings. The pictures are all well compressed, so they shouldn't give you too many problems downloading.

I only took two outside pictures, Front of the house and the lounge window.

In the lounge I got a bit snap happy, the front door Lounge area and Lounge view into kitchen area and Lounge view into dining area and Lounge view of start of hall

Ok, now walk down the hall all the way to the 'other room' in your head. This room looks a bit of a mess as it seems to be a junk room. The window and OtherRoom view along its length
OK turn around now. We will now work our way back up looking at the other rooms. OtherRoom view into hall and blue room
and then the OtherRoom view down the hall into the kitchen area

The blue room, possibly the bedroom of choice even though it might be a bit smaller. View from hall into blue room. and Blue room 1 and Blue room 2 and Blue room Closet

The purple room. Its not as bad as it looks in the pictures :-)!
View from hall into Purple room. Purple room and Purple room Closet

The Bathroom and washing area on the left...
The Spa bath with the The groovy sink
The area where we will install a washing machine and the The hall closet

The dining area is here.

The kitchen is particularly plesant! We'll need a microwave and a fridge/freezer which I'll try to sort out here and now.
kitchen1 and kitchen2 and kitchen3
Pay particular attention to the DISHWASHER!

OK thats it except for one thing the table and chairs(Closeup) in the other room are for sale. The owner asked us to make an offer... it seems like a test... The real estate girl(Carla, she is in one of the pictures) said $200 would probably be reasonable. It seems a lot to me though. Do you want them? How much do we offer if you do? Car buying has not yet reached its natural conclusion but I grow ever wiser... Love love love!