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--> // ROCKIN // Tree Huggers, Liberals, Democrats, Spins, and Other Complaints

Dont Conform: Create

6/5/2003-A friend sent me a website, about a Punk Rocker who was murdered for being different. Someone who was killed because he was not a jock or a prep. As i wish i could, i cannot sympathize with the family and friends of Brian Denke, and this is the reason. Every man fights a battle and in the end some win and some lose. Brian had his own beliefs, as i do...and while i may not agree with them i salute him for standing up for what he believed in. I DO NOT support mowhaks, or spiked dog collars, combat boots or mullets. Ok well, maybe mullets. But while i dont support that sort of thing i support standing for your own cause. I also believe that everyone is entitled to their own opion, and every person is also entitled to try and change someone elses opinion. Look at what this website is doing...although using phrases such as "BUSH=KILLER" is not something i would i would accpet, as a matter of fact i would probably fight for, but standing up for yourself and your belifs is what it is said to be and is. Dont ever forget who you are, and dont waiver for anyone unlness they ahve good friekin evidence. I just wanted to go there for a minuete, not so much flipping out. Alright, see everyone later. Marc-hope the leg is doing awsome. Thoughts and prayers are with you my friend *#14*

5/23/03-ANNIKA is getting her ass whooped, so that made my day today :-) anywho, ive got a guest book now so its on the Contacts page. Ummm....oh yes, id like to say at this part of the update "No shit!" thanks to Ted Nugent for that tidbit. Download "Kiss My Ass" by Ted Nugent, you will not be dissapointed! Ok its time to rock! see yall later

5/20/03-Ok, i know i already posted but marc gave me a real good topic. If youre anti war, and this post will end up there someday, are you agaisnt the war on drugs? Just a thought, im out of anger to put into these things thats just something to chew on until later. OH YA!@ I have pictures in the Anti-war page and the Liberalism page. Have fun, see yall later. OH YA!! lol new email adress New email Alright, see ya.

5/20/03-Ok, got something to say. Annika Sorenstien. FUCK YOU. Ok, listen to me, youre a woman, you play with women, it is a segregated world, live with it. No women are playing in the NBA, or the NFL, or the MBL!!! ARE THERE@!!!! NOOO!!! So why dont women try and play real sports instead of golf? GOLF! HA! Im not making fun of golf, becuase it is a hard game and has caused me to swear and freak out more than once. Why cant Tiger Woods play in the LPGA? Or Shaq play in the WNBA? Why? Becuase they would whoop everyones asses, therefore making it unfair. LIFE IS UNFAIR ANNIKA, DEAL WITH IT. You were born a woman, so play with the women. And those of you who think Vijay Singh is being a baby..youre wrong. Vijay had to deal with KKK heckling him as he alked in Agusta, the most prestigous of ALL golf establishments. Aniika, play with the women, win the tournaments, win money and stop saying "I just want to make myself better." Youre the woman Tiger Woods, stop bitching. Play with the women and be glad that you even have that leauge.

5/7/03-Well i see people are getting kicks out of what ive got going so far, so im gonna put some more pages up, with some different stuff on it soon. Probably get some pics of people doing stupid stuff, and definetly get some Prom stuff on has nothing to do with anyhting else on here...but its fun stuff anyways. Maybe ill start something totally new?? Who knows! Till then enjoy.

First of all i would like to introduce my webpage by saying this. If you are a tree hugger, hippy, or nature rat, you wont like my views or opinos. End of story. But if you are really an American, dont roll over and believe everything your told and do this new thing called 'thinking,' i ask you to please take what i say into considersation and dont say "Oh this is such garbage." If you have a brain, think...these are my opions and ive put them down on paper, ok well web page, so people could see them. If you dont like it, make your own damn website and write your own. Till then, this is mine, and if you wanna bitch moan and complain, like most Liberalistic, peace keeper, tree hugers me, im always fair and will argue with anyone who has a good point. Have fun!

Tree Huggers ||| Anti-War = Anti American ||| Liberals VS. Wax ||| Thoughts and Thanks ||| Contact ME