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Welcome to this, the first edition of the Angry Nerd, providing escape for those people who don’t really fall into a particular group.

As this is the first, brand, spanky new edition, I’ll give you a short introduction...

I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you what the little button saying “home” means. If, however, you do need this explaining, then please visit the following link for a quick explanation (

If you have an embarrasing/painful/itchy, flakey problem then visit Mandy Bel, our very own Agony Ant. She’ll help to fix what ails you (not a guarantee).

Are you pissed off, worn out and wound up? Then click “rant” and let out a little steam by telling us all about it. The best will be posted here every other day (or whenever we can be arsed to put it up.)

For a ten point list of what’s wrong with the world today, click “angry” to visit Daniel, possibly the angriest man in South Wales (please don’t feed the freaks).

Finaly, if you’ve any comments, suggestions, hate mail or declarations of holy war, click “email”.

That’s it for now, see you soon

Disgruntled Teen