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New Web Design Shock Theropy
June 6, 2003

I just got Dreamweaver software by Macromedia. This software is awesome. The review is on here and we also have a few other products that I am using reviewed.

New Sections To The Site

Product Review - Paul Warner reviews some of the products that he has used and tells you how he felt about the product, customer service, and overall product usefullness.

Video Game Review - Travis Oast reviews some of todays greatest video games. He has been writing game reviews since the Original Sega and Super Nintendo so he knows his stuff.

Hip-Hop News - Jamie Modlin hits us up with the latest and greatest on the Hip-Hop scene. He jumps into Every aspect of Hip-Hop including the underground.

Security News - Paul Warner updates you on some of todays top security issues concerning computers.

Tips and Tricks for WinXP - Paul Warner includes his favorite WinXP registery hacks and tips that allow you to enhance the performance of your PC to match the leading PC's on the market without the hardware.

On to the reviews...™
New age info for the Information Age. specializes in bringing you the latest and greatest in the information that you the web browser wishes to view. If you don't see something you like on here feel free to email us and let us know what you want to see. Be sure to send your email to the correct individual.

If you would like to make a contribution to the page so that we are able to provide you with even greater information please feel free to visit the Contributions page. From there you can give us any amount that you see fit from $0.01 USD to $1,000 USD or more if you feel obliged.

Want to help?
If you are a webmaster yourself and you think that you can add to the joy that we hope to bring be sure to visit the Application page.

Just want to let us know how you feel?
Just want to let the world know something about this site that you found out. Some crazy gossip, maybe you heard we are homophobic or something. Hit up the Forums page and voice off. Be sure that we will probly be taking some of them off of the Forum and placing them here on the front page for everyone to see.


Just got the Dreamweaver software registered

Just re-developed the index page using Dreamweaver


This is where you will find any updates to the site that we have to include but not to exclude Product Reviews, Video Game Reviews, Hip Hop News, Security News, Tip and Tricks for WinXP. consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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