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Springfield Pics!

again, just e mail me if you want the "full size" picture of any of these (please no more than 4)

Amanda and Jenny

Jesse's Big Screen TV

Dome Ceiling

Our Guide (Donna)

The Governor's Office Door

Jeremy On the Bus

Jesse White

Our Museum Guide

Nancy In The Bus

New State Capital

Inside The Capital

Our Class In Front of the Statue

Our Class with Jesse White


Ernesto With Antlers

Tahlia Playing with Blocks

New Salem

New Salem

New Salem

New Salem

Amanda & Tahlia

Nancy Posing (Go Nancy!)

Tahlia, me, Nancy, & Jenny

New Salem

Horse at New Salem

Group By the Wagon

Adrian D.

David (sorry it turned out kind of dark)
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Security Guard

Senate Room (ooooh pretty)

Singing Amanda

A Flag (oooh ahhh lol)