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Diffuse solar heat before it reaches your windows with...

In Mid summer, as much as 230 BTUs can fall on each unprotected square foot of glass. With solar screens installed, up to 90% of the suns heat and glare is reflected, absorbed and dissipated before it strikes the window.

That means a noticable reduction in your cooling bill.
Solar Screens will pay for themselves in reduced energy costs.

Welcome To Clear View Solar Screens! 'Quality Solar Screens at a Competitive Price' Hello and thank you for visiting Clear View Solar Screens. I would like to share our story with you. Clear View Solar Screens is a family owned and operated business where all of our staff share a commitment to deliver quality, value and integrity and to assure that no one is left behind. Solar screens make people feel great about home ownership, and provide wonderfull savings on your powerbill. Thank you for visiting, and if you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me personally.


J.J. Johnson


The cost of solar screening your home can vary.

To get an estimate, use the calculator below.

Window width    Window height:   

Cost: $  


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