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The Path of the Letter The story Romeo and Juliet is a very interesting story in which if you modify a single event can change the whole plot of the story. In this essay I will modify some part of the plot to predict what changes will come upon it. If friar John had delivered the letter to Romeo about the plan before balthasar saw Juliet’s funeral and told Romeo about it then Romeo would have followed with the plan and then Romeo and Juliet would have lived happily ever after. There are several factors that could make this happen. One of the factors is that could lead to this thesis is that Juliet should have came for friar Laurence’s help two days before the wedding so that it would have given more time for the letter to be delivered to Romeo. This could have happened but Juliet would have had to take extra precautions to escape her house and meet with friar Laurence. If she had met with friar Laurence then there plan would have gone according to plan and both Romeo and Juliet would have lived happily ever after. This is just one of the factors that could lead to the happiness of the two couples. The second factor is that while Romeo was out of the city there were many different things going on in the city. Juliet was already married to Romeo but she couldn’t disobey her parents so she had to marry Paris so she went to friar Laurence for help. To end her misery he made a potion for her that would put here to sleep and stop her pulse for forty-two hours. She took the potion after really thinking about it