hey, you discovered this little text line at the top of the page, good job! H4PPY B1R7HD4Y C0NL4N, j00 N00B! OMG GAYFAG GG

I'm too cheap to buy you smokes or porn for your birthday, so I came up with this funny
shit, reminiscent of what you used to send me for my birthdays back in the day, anywho, to start off...

Jon Tsang's Long-lost twin sister Janet wished you a happy birthday, and said "You're a cutie pie,
and I eat cutie pies just like I eat any other kind of pies - I shove my face into them
and in the end get covered in sticky goo"

Don't get too close to Brad Dorcas! One minute you're blowing him man-kisses, the next
he's giving you a blowjob, and you're titty-fucking his man boobies... He was too busy
microwaving hot pockets to wish you a happy birthday.

Mike Lyons invited you for Fireball shots out at his place this weekend, he's hoping he'll
get you drunk enough that you'll think he's a woman and finger him.