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CS 208

Computer Programming for Business with C – I

Spring 2003



Lab #6

Due : 06 June 2003




Lab Objective:

      • Using arrays in C
      • character arrays (Strings) and double Arrays
      • Sorting arrays using bubble sort
      • Passing arrays as function arguments




Write a program that will accept name and scores for a student. Use arrays to store the scores. Use functions to calculate the average score of the student and also the grade based it. Use bubble sort to sort the scores. Finally display a grade report for that student.


Program Requirements:


Your program should first display a welcome message.


Prompt the user to enter Last name of Student. Store it in a character array (String).


Prompt the user to enter number of scores to be stored. Store it in an integer variable.


Using a for loop, prompt the user and scan in the scores into a double array.


Call a function : get_average to calculate the average score of the student. Pass to it the array of scores and the number of scores it holds. The function should return the averages as a double. Store it in a variable.


Call a function get_grade to determine the grade. Pass it the average score.

Grade is a letter grade determined based on the average score as:


Average Score                       Grade

>=  90                                      A

>=  80                                      B

>=  70                                      C

>=  50                                      D

<    50                                      F


The function should return the grade of the student as a character. Store it in a variable.


Now call a function sort_scores to sort the scores stored in the array so that it is in increasing order. In the function use bubble sort. (Bubble sort algorithm is explained in the last section of the handout). The function will not return anything, but it will sort the array.


Finally call a function : display_report to display the grade report for the student. The function takes the last name, scores, number of scores, average and grade as arguments. It does not return anything but prints out the grade report in the following format:



                        GRADE REPORT


Last Name : xxxxxx

Sorted Scores :

Score 1 :  ##.##

Score 2 :  ##.##

Score 3 :  ##.##


     Average Score:  ##.##


     Grade: X




Now Stop Program Message and Quit .



Functions Prototypes


double get_average(double[],int);

char get_grade(double);

void sort_scores(double[],int);

void display_report(char[],double[],int,double,char);


 Program Flow:



// comments


// include statement(s)


// function prototypes


void main(void)


// Variable declaration. Different data types to appear on different lines.


// Display Starting Program Message.


// Prompt user to enter number of scores

// Scan in number of scores into a variable


//start for loop to scan in specific scores

                        // Prompt user to enter score

// Scan in the scores and store into array variable

            //end for loop


// Call the get_average function and store result in a variable.


// Call the get_grade function and store result in a variable.


            // Call the sort_scores function.


// Call the display_report function to display the report in the specified format.


// display end of program message


} //  end of main



// Function Definitions


double get_average(double scores[], int numscores)


            // code to calculate the average score

            // return the average score



char get_grade(double average)


            // code to calculate the grade based on the average

            // return the grade



void sort_scores(double scores[], int numscores)


            //code to sort the array

            //use bubble sort



void display_report(char name[], double scores[], int numscores, double avg, char grade)


            // printf statements to print the score in specified format



Sample Runs

* User Inputs bold and underlined.


Run 1


Starting Student Report Program


Please Enter Last Name of Student : Kent


Enter Number of Scores to store (less than 10) : 4

Enter Score 1: 98

Enter Score 2: 97

Enter Score 3: 96

Enter Score 4: 95


                GRADE REPORT


Last Name : Kent

Sorted Scores :

Score 1 :  95.00

Score 2 :  96.00

Score 3 :  97.00

Score 4 :  98.00


        Average Score:  96.50


        Grade: A


 Stopping Student Report Program



Run 2


Starting Student Report Program


Please Enter Last Name of Student : Wayne


Enter Number of Scores to store (less than 10): 5

Enter Score 1: 100

Enter Score 2: 95

Enter Score 3: 90

Enter Score 4: 85

Enter Score 5: 76


                GRADE REPORT


Last Name : Wayne

Sorted Scores :

Score 1 :  76.00

Score 2 :  85.00

Score 3 :  90.00

Score 4 :  95.00

Score 5 : 100.00


        Average Score:  89.20


        Grade: B


 Stopping Student Report Program


Run 3


Starting Student Report Program


Please Enter Last Name of Student : Parker


Enter Number of Scores to store (less than 10): 6

Enter Score 1: 77

Enter Score 2: 88

Enter Score 3: 95

Enter Score 4: 91

Enter Score 5: 45

Enter Score 6: 74


                GRADE REPORT


Last Name : Parker

Sorted Scores :

Score 1 :  45.00

Score 2 :  74.00

Score 3 :  77.00

Score 4 :  88.00

Score 5 :  91.00

Score 6 :  95.00


        Average Score:  78.33


        Grade: C


 Stopping Student Report Program



Run 4


 Starting Student Report Program


Please Enter Last Name of Student : Ipkiss


Enter Number of Scores to store (less than 10) : 3

Enter Score 1: 55

Enter Score 2: 51

Enter Score 3: 42


                GRADE REPORT


Last Name : Ipkiss

Sorted Scores :

Score 1 :  42.00

Score 2 :  51.00

Score 3 :  55.00


        Average Score:  49.33


        Grade: F


 Stopping Student Report Program






Bubble Sort



This sorting algorithm works by comparing each element of the array to every element after it. The idea is to compare two elements and swap them if they are in wrong order.

We use 2 for loops. The first loop is used to traverse through each element of the array. The second loop traverses through the rest of the elements in the array for each chosen element in the first loop.


Given an array of numbers say myarray, with length num here's a snippet of C code for bubble sort:


for (a=0; a < num-1; a++) {

  for (b=a+1; b < num; b++)


    if (myarray[a] > myarray[b])


        /* swap myarray[a] and myarray[b]   */

      temp = myarray[a];        

      myarray[a] = myarray[b];

      myarray[b] = temp;





During the first iteration of the outer loop the first element of the array is compared with every element after it. That is why the second loop index b starts for a+1. If there is a element smaller than the first element they are swapped. Thus the first index holds the smallest index at the end of first outer loop iteration.

At the second iteration the element at second index is taken and compared with the rest of the elements. And this process continues.

So, after each iteration of the outer loop, the next smallest element of the array would have come to the beginning of the array.

The outer loop goes only until the last but one element of the array, because by then the array will be sorted. The last element does not have any other elements after it to compare with!