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Welcome to my Page all about me and the stuff I like!

My Video Nation Piece goes live

I did a piece for the BBC Stokes Video Nation Project...Rememer they used to be on T.V years I think they only show them on cable.  Anyway here is mine


Well, finally I managed to get my ass into gear and post all my recent pics on the site. There are still about 3 million others that could do with posting but step at a time eh?

First up I'd like to say a big hello to Toria who is looking at this page from Australia. She's the most ace person on the planet. But dont tell everyone!! Hope you enjoy the pics.

If the site doesn't load or shows broken links ...try pressing Refresh on the browser. Its Angelfire's fault not mine..all my shit works right?

Im looking at other hosting solutions but this one will do for now.

Actually I take it back , what I said about being pretty once. Whilst cleaning out my letters box the other day I came across this old photo, Im aged about 15. Ha hahahahahahahahaha!!!

I have to accept it...I am not as pretty as I used to be!! Its kind of a bugger when your life catches up on you so fast that you don't notice how haggard you have become.

I took this photo of myself so I could use up the end of a film left over from Amsterdam, frankly it shocked me. Aw well, to hell with vanity, websites are far more important.

Take a look at the Amsterdam Photos that Howard kindly emailed to me. My Photos will be up on the site as soon as I can bothered to go get em developed.

Also I'll try and sort out all this conflicting navigation so you can get all the content on this site easily, I know its a mess at the mo but just bear with me...or start chanting to calm yourself.