To the makers of The Wild Lupe Plains guild.
Sorry this page ain't beutiful, I didnt really feel like making it. ANyways, I wish for something and here it is.
I currently have a qeustion about the guild. It is sort of long though. A long time ago, there was a guild chat, like there is now, but it was slightly different.It had an _ in it. But we dont have to go into that. Lets call the old chat the 'Old Chat' so we dont get confused. Anyways, the whole site went under construction, and the chat was deleted. But, that couldnt stop us from chatting! We went to which is where the chat came from, and chatted from there, anyways, around that time, a new chat was created, and good ol' Nellygurl forgot to add the _ in the channel name.Anyways, I noticed this. I rushed to the people in the old chat and informed them. But, sadly, they said 'No we will not leave and go to this 'new chat' ' well, that comes to my actual qeustion, I want to know, if it would be ok if I gave you an HTML code so that the 'new chat' becomes the 'old chat' You might be wondering Why??Why would I do this??I have nothing to gain, but, i do, because if you did this, you would be doing me a great favor because then, our 'old chat' would have 'new members' and we need new members. If, you say yes to this, here is the code,