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MiLks Anecdote wants to directly connect.
vem: lol
vem cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
vem wants to directly connect.
MiLks Anecdote's software could not interpret your request. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
vem wants to directly connect.
MiLks Anecdote's software could not interpret your request. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
vem wants to directly connect.
MiLks Anecdote's software could not interpret your request. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
vem wants to directly connect.
MiLks Anecdote's software could not interpret your request. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
MiLks Anecdote: ...
MiLks Anecdote: HAHAAHA
vem wants to directly connect.
MiLks Anecdote: ....
The connection with MiLks Anecdote was not successful. Make sure that your Buddy is using the latest version of AIM. Changing your settings in the Firewall preference may help. Also both you and your Buddy may need to adjust the settings of the firewall software on your individual networks.
MiLks Anecdote: The level of gayness AIM has provided has rose to a new level.
MiLks Anecdote: HAHAAHA
MiLks Anecdote: ITS STILL ON
MiLks Anecdote: HAAHHA
MiLks Anecdote: Hold on I'll fix this
vem: lol
MiLks Anecdote wants to directly connect.
MiLks Anecdote is now directly connected.
MiLks Anecdote: ^
MiLks Anecdote: Don't ask, you don't need to know.
MiLks Anecdote: pipeline optimizer...was set for...frame relay...and isdn.
MiLks Anecdote: ...not ppp
MiLks Anecdote: ...MF.
MiLks Anecdote: WELL!?
MiLks Anecdote: What did you want?