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Hey, Thanks for making it to the Murryz site!!! It's brand spanking new, so visit often to check for updates.

Here you'll find the lyrics to all the Murryz songs and a few sound clips. We have future plans of one day being able to have all the songs available in their entirety for download...but for now this is what we have to go with.

We hope you enjoy your experience here with us and please tell all your friends...If you heard about Murryz through the free promotional CD, know that you have full permission to COPY that CD and give out to your friends...We do not give permission for you to sell the CD or the songs by any means. Thanks.

Murryz is beginning to also work with video so check back for new updates regarding that as well. Thank God for the digital age!!

If you would like to help out and spread the word about Murryz, send back the promotional CD and your address and Murryz will send you a free CD containing ALL of the Murryz songs with the condition that you are willing to put out 25 promotional CDs wherever you Murryz for exact details...their may also be monetary compensation for your efforts.

Okay, this is it for come back and have a fantastic day!

