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April 30, 2003

Look a new post!

Holy shit! I am posting something here!

What can I say? My life has been nuts. There are a lot of things floating around in my head that have been distracting me. Basically, I feel like my life is up in the air and until I have some semblance of certainty, I am living a life in constant stress and panic. Sounds like fun, right?

Looking ahead to the summer months, there are a couple of shows that I plan on checking out when they roll through Philly. Numero Uno on that list would be the June 9th Spiritualized show at the Trocadero. The tickets are $18, a little steep (it is so sad that I find $18 to be pricey), but so worth it, plus it is my birthday on the 6th so I can pawn it off as a birthday treat.

Philly Freakout IV is happening May 10th at the Balcony. I missed the last one due to inclimate weather, so I will be at this one, even though it is the weekend I am returning from California.

May 13th is Stephen Malkmus at the Troc, can not miss that.

May 15th the Cramps are coming to town. Mike really wants to go, so I think we will make that happen too.

Posted by mchimato at 09:37 AM | Comments (0)
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