Me and Mad after Ruse Athletics Carnival

Angie Kat Chris Mad Val Phil before Woy Woy to Gosford Trek

Hans Me and Kaz at Library Steps at Ruse

Me and Mad at a lookout near Pearl Beach

Lawrence, Duckboy, Graham and Me rehearsing for V-Day 2002

Me and Mad in the Quad

Me and Mad Year 10 Formal

Me and Mad at Mooney Mooney

Alicia, Duckboy and Tang on a ferry to Manly Beach

Prefects after V-day Assembly 2002

Rachel Me Jun Cut the cake at Year 12 Farewell 2002

Family before the Year 12 Formal in front of Will's House

Ume, Sue and Mad pre-formal

Chris Ihm and Jun Year 10 Formal

Jazz Ensemble about to perform 'On Bended Knee'

Graham... inseparable from his soccer ball

Phil as Styx and Becca as Eurydice at 2001 Ruse Musical: "Orpheus in the Underworld". Phil was freaking funny.

Ume and Sharli

Kin + Rubik's Cube

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