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This is my friends page containing photos ,quotes ,stats and information about some of my friends

Kevin Gibson Its Me!!!!!!
Jake Esberger I see dead people
Trevor Stratton I lost my spleen on a journey of mystic magic and mayhem!!!!
Katie Lawrenson Life is like a box of chocolates 
Martyn Jones Last night I artificially inseminated a 5000 pound walrus 
Lee Fernley Alcohol  monster
Richard Stringer I need to get laid
Sarah Firth And when the day comes it will be you on the floor kissing my feet
Steve Ah I live in the out back wrestling with gatters
Vicky Sinclair Do do dad da dooooooo
Tom Doran I love Matalan and I shall never let it fall
Jesus Judge not less thee be judged
Richard Humpage Kool Man Kool
Chris Dudley This is my riffle this is my gun, this is for fighting this is for fun!
Michael Haywood Were all doomed the Vjoorn are coming
Kim edge I dream about Jurassic park
John Foster I Love weight lifting till I bleed
Gemma Daley Graham Oh Graham Where Fort Art Though Graham
Sam pottage Pink is the plague of the universe
Helen My name is actually Nicole
Steph Hart I am actually a relation to Eeyore
Splinter Go my turtles go kick ass
Site created by Kevin Gibson - All images property of Kevin Gibson!