HTML Help!

Change your writing to whatever you want...

Change your writing to either
or dropshadow...

Make your text wavy...

Make your letters move to the left side...

Make your letters move to the left then come back...

Make your letters move up, down, left or right but only choose one....

Make your letters move any speed you want....




Make a table to put what you want to say in there...

If you want s p a c e s in between your letters put this code....

Make your border around your words have color...

drop down list of 3 things....

Button answer, alerts people....

Picture link...

Border color link...

text like the one above...

Does this HTML help you?

yes! No!
Question pop up....


Change background....

Change your font color...

Change your font size...

Make your font italic...

Make a line in the middle of your font...

Bold your text...

Underline your text...

Put your font SuperScript...

Put your font Subscript...

Typewriter text...

Text with background...

Marquee with background...

Spacing large

Spacing large...

Spacing small
Spacing small...

Indented text...
Not indented text

Two column table ||...

Two tables one on top of the other...

one column on top, two on the bottom...

one column on top, four on the bottom...

One column on the right, two on the left...

Basic link...
click here

E-mail link...

E-mail with subjects provided link...

Mouseover automatic link put mouse over this...

Change background mouseover link...

click here for new pop up page
Target page, new pop up page...

Mouseover pop up link...

Automatic link, if the page that someone goes to and you want them to go to a diff. page it will be a few seconds then it will go to that page(great way if your website moved)...

sized text area...

Colored/sized text area...

HTML capable text area...

HTML capable text area with no background...

  • bulleted text...

    Title changer mouseover...

    Link to a part of the page...

    Where the Link should lead to...

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