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United Socialist States of Hrstrovokia.



Capital: Marinth City.

Population: 10 Million.

Status: Socialist State


Goverened by the Politburo.  Hrstrovokian Communist Party.


General Secretary Godot.

Foreign Affairs Minister Lindensborne.

Defense, Armaments Department Minister Hindens.

Agricultural Department Minister Suchal.

Chief of Hrstrovokian Police, Craine.

Chief of Hrstrovokian Special Police, Godot.

Economic Department Minister Thygre.

Labour Department Minister Suchal.

Transportation Department Minister Dorgan.

Marine Department Minister D’arcy.

Department of Justice Minister Ellinger.




Capital: Marinth City.

Population: 4 Million.



Capital: Vokiagrad.

Population: 3 Million.


Ancient states of Hrstro and Vokia united on the 13th of May 2003 in the United Socialist States of Hrstrovokia.