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Festival 2003: London, Ontario


Wow, what an amazing weekend it was. Here are the pictures to prove it.


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The sexy Prelo cure before the Saturday night banquet. Left to Right: Mariana, Ana, Evanna, Nada, Ivana, Vesna and Nikole.

This was some of our group and some outsiders/prelo wannabes lol on the way to the banquet Sunday night. Wow some sexy people in Oakville. From Left to Right: Ljubica, Vicki, Andrea, Martina K, Martina P, Nick, Ante, John, Anthony, Me, Niko, George, Ivana's hair, Katarina, Martina, Michelle, Kristina, Mary

Gustin and Mariana at the banquet Saturday night at some hockey arena lol. Jasna, Nada and Mariana in some deserted part of the hockey arena. I'll leave it up to the imagination lol jk cure calm down.
Another one of the cure before the Sunday night dance at the arena. Not bad cure. From Left to Right: Nikole, Mariana, Nada, Evanna, Vesna, Jasna Well I just got a bunch of pics so I'm adding them now. The Bosnian connection of the camera and my scanner made my pics turn out pretty bad but oh well. Here's Ana, Heki and I think that's Andrija in the background.
Here's a nice crowd shot. What a helluva party. A crowd shot with Sonja in the middle. Oh yeah and the scoreboard LOL. Samo u Londonu.
Another crowd shot. I see Martina P, Krisitna and Damir. They're all excited cause they know they're going on my site. :D This pic makes me laugh. It's farmer Gustin and Kate. The funniest part is that Gustin actually performed like that, he didn't have is fake tooth in lol.
This is Ivana, Martina Kunovic and Martina Pavic really excited to see me. Smirite se cure. Jasna, Gustin, Heki and Ana running away. This is from Sunday night. Who's Ana looking at?
Jasna, Gustin, Heki and Ana again. This time Jasna stole the spotlight. Majic and the famous shirt and sunglasses. I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can......
The gay lovers dancing to Hercegovino (not Dalmacijo). I'm glad I took the pic before it got real ugly lol. Martina Pavic and Nick.
Mary, Andrea, Ante and Nick dancing as far away from the stage as possible. They were having their own orgy, I mean zabava. Miles in the background, Majic, Vicki and Gustin. Majic was so out of it, but this doesn't even compare to Sunday. Majic=LEGENDA.
Nick, Ana, Lydia and Me at the banquet Saturday night. We got there at around 5pm for some reason so we just sat around. Here they are again. Niko didn't even have anything to drink. Majic drink all the liquor in London so there was none left for Niko.
Niko, Miles, Andrea and Sonja. Miles seem to like sneaking into our pictures and pretending that he doesn't know we're taking pics. That's aight, he's going to hook me up with his cousin in Dakovo lol. The guys at the Banquet. From Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Drago on the outskirts, Niko, Jure, Heki, Gustin, Ante, John, Nick, Majic, Me. I don't think Majic took his glasses off all night lol.
The guys again. Majic was trying to pour beer all over Heki or something. That's why I kept to the front. Vicki, Andrea, Nick, Me Saturday night. Nice cast Nick. Thanks for shoving it in my face.



