The holy Land was the Crusades failed chief goal. The left a religious hatred behind 

them. Christians and Muslims commited appalling atrocities in the name of their religion. 

Crusadors often took a religious fury againt Jews which made them anti-Christian. They 

mascared entire cities. 

	Besides the bad side of them they had a positive effect. They helped to quicken the 

pace of changes underway by emerging from the Middle Ages. Before the increase of trade 

from the Crusades, Europe had designed a taste of luxary goods and merchants brought rom 

the Byzantine empire. Crusaders who returned had with them spices, fabrics, and perfumes 

from the Middle East to a larger market.  The people who built large fleets to carry crusaders to 

the Holy Land were Merchants in Venice andd other northern Italian cities.

	bitter clashes with feudal monarches were seen by popes, the Crusaders did not end the 

split bewtween the Roman and Byzantine churches. The result of the Fourth Crusade was the 

Byzantine resement against the West hardened. Power of feudal monarchs power was helped 

to increase by the Crusaders. Rulers won new rights to levy taxes in order to support crusaders. 

Rulers such as French King Louis IX led crusaders  which lead greatly to their prestige. 

	Money was further encouraged of growth of money economy by the Crusaders. 

Nobled need money to finance a journey to the Holy Land. They allowed peasants to apy rents 

in money rather than grain or labor.

	The Christians soon relized that millions of people lived in regions they have never 

known existed because of contacts with the Muslim world. Later Europeans went off to places 

like India and China. The expenses of crusaders like Polo exopanded European horizons. Since 

the fall of Rome, ir brought Europe into a wider world. 

	For about 50 years , western Christians ruled Constantinople. A byzantine emperior reclaimed the capital in the 1260s, the emperior did not recovered. Venetian merchants gained control of Byzantine trade. After a seige of Ottoman forces surrounding Constantiople lasting about two months they stormed the broken walls.

s	cholasticism were Christian scholars.(religion)

c	onflict between faith and reason were tried to be resolved.

h	armony was faith and reason.

o	ther works of science and mathematics translated from Arabic and Greek also reached Europe.

l	adys were thought to be less understanding of education and learning.

a	quinas was influenced by the writings of thinkers from medieval universities.

s	system was much easier to use than the cumbersome system of Roman numerals that had been
	traditional throughout Europe.

t	here they set off a revolution of learning.

i	n the Middle Ages science made little real progress.

c	hristian thinkers changed the way they viewed the physical world.

i	n a monumental work, Aquinas examined Christian teachings in the light of reason.

s	cientists and mathematicians to make extraordinary advances in their fields because of Arabic numerals.(economics)

m	uslim scholars had translated the works of knowledge that reached Europe in the High Middle Ages.

t	he religion students studied from university to university. (education)

h	ad prayers in the morning and then sat for hours in class.(social life)

e	ducation was very important, they spent the whole day learning and memorizing text.

o	nly after several more years of study could a man qualify to become
	a master of arts and a teacher.

l	ife offered few comforts for student life.

o	xford and Paris soon had universities like these.

g	eometry, grammar, rhetoric, astronomy, music, arts, and logic were taught.

y	oung women or any women were not aloud to attend the universitys.(government)

	Monks and nuns and both women and men. They devote their lives to spiritual 

gods. The Benedictine Rule. Monks and nuns took an oath of poverty. They also took vows of 

chastity and of obedience to the abbot. The duties they have are to worship God. Benedict 

believed in the spiritual value of manual labor, and he required monks to work in the 

fields. Monks and nuns tened the sick. They set up schools for children and set up charitys. 

Monasteris and converts performed a vital cultral function by preserving the writings of the 

ancient world.

	Monks and nuns were better educated and took a more serious interest in cultural. 

Other monks like the Venerable Bede in England, Produced scholary works of their own. Not 

all monks and nuns remained isolated from the outside world. During the early Middle Ages, 

men and woemn risked their lives to spread Christian teachings across Europe.

	Other monks suc and Venerable Bede produced their own work. Bede was the first to 

use the disignations. But like all writers of the time, he mixed stories of magical miracles with 

historic facts. Hildegard of Bingen (1098 - 1179) was a visionary, an abbess, a doctor, a 

composer, a politician, a painter, and a theologian. She was dedicated to God by her parents 

and became "enclosed", to be educated and formed in seclusion from the world, taking the 

habit of a Benedictine nun at the age of sixteen. She became the magistra of the women's 

community at the Disibodenberg monastery in 1136, but was instructed by God to take her

"girls" and leave to form a separate convent in 1151. Hildegard was already famous for her 

prophecies and visions at this time, and her presence won the Benedictines at Disibodenberg a 

great deal of prestige; the monks therefore were fiercely opposed to the move. The head abbot 

accused her of acting from pride, but she insisted she was acting according to God's 

revelation. In the painting, the irate monks are peering through her window to see what

she is up to, to observe her continuing revelations, and to see if they can't get her to

come back. They are also a bit worried about what she might be saying about them, as she

scolded her fellow religious without any hesitation when she felt they had wandered from 

the straight path. 
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