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Future Savings Now!!!!!!!!



Why should you have your telephone  bills audited?  Because it will cost you nothing and could save you a bundle!!
Every year millions of dollars in unclaimed local telephone overcharges and refunds go uncollected by unsuspecting utility customers like you.  Local bills are so complex that a recent study revealed that one local telephone company had made errors on more than half the phone bills checked.  Investigators said that similar studies of phone companies around the nation would yield similar results. Yet, most of us pay these bills month after month without scrutinizing or challenging them.
Why is that?  First, as a consumer you assume the telephone companies are charging you the lowest possible rates, and that those rates are set by a Public Service Commission or Federal agency (such as the FCC) that requires them to charge you the lowest legal rate.
Next, you may be frustrated with trying to decipher and fully understand the bill itself.  Without a basic understanding of telephone bill concepts and codes, it's difficult (if not impossible) to know if your telephone bill is correct.  Department managers are so busy with the operational demands of their departments, they can't possibly do the detailed research necessary to discover errors, correct the problem and obtain refunds.
Also, most of us feel we have no option but to pay the bill or have our telephone service cut off, never realizing that in many instances telephone bills are as negotiable as the price of a used car.
It's amazing that overpayments can go on year after year.  This means you could be due rebates for months and possibly even years – not to mention all the money you could save in the future.
Our firm specializes in auditing commercial local telephone bills as well as other telecommunications services and service providers.  As trained telephone bill auditors, our representatives will:
Perform a detailed analysis of your itemized local telephone bills based on our extensive knowledge of rates, codes, billing procedures and the telephone company's tariffs (fee structure granted by the Public Service Commission and FCC) to insure you are getting the lowest possible legal rate.  Also, we will execute a cross check for computer, estimation and human errors
Negotiate with the telephone companies and telephone equipment vendors to achieve the best rate, terms, and refund for you.
In addition, our auditors will recheck your bills in 90 days to verify that errors have been completely cleared up.
We are so confident that we will collect on your behalf, our firm does not charge an hourly fee. Our service is strictly on a contingency  basis.
If we find no refund or rebate, you pay us nothing and you have the benefit of verifying the accuracy of your billing.  If we successfully obtain credits or refunds and assist you with cost saving measures, we receive a percentage of those savings.
I'll give you a call within the next week to discuss how our service can benefit your company.  Or give us a call at (718) 527-4608 for more information or to set up an appointment.  If your company's telecommunications expenses have not been audited within the last 3 years, you owe it to yourself and your  bottom line to talk with us.Call (718) 527-4608

Interesting Facts

"The staff of the Public Service commission has recommended that Southern Bell be fined $50,000 for false billings to 40,000 customers totaling $600,000."       -Miami Herald

"A  hospital in Brooklyn, New York received a cash refund of $102,268.21 for telephone data circuits and trunks that had been ordered disconnected years earlier but were still billed month after month."
"The New York Telephone Co. made major errors on more than half the phone bills checked in a recent study.  Public Service Commission investigators say that similar studies of phone companies around the nation would yield similar results."    -Moneysworth Magazine

"An explosion in the number of telephone lines, services, and rates is taxing phone company computers, costing users an estimated $160 million a year in overcharges."    -The Los Angeles Times

"Utility  bills seem to be getting worse.  They are indecipherable, lack itemization, contain inflated or phony charges, and cost customers billions of dollars a year."        -Ralph Nader
