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Outdoor Neglect TEK

by Fungusmaximus


First off I'd like to give credit to the inventor of the Bulk Neglect Tek, Mycofile. Without his idea my realization wouldn't have been possible.


The thing you must remember, and this is something I have come to realize through countless fruiting and contaminations. Is that oxygen is the key to success! Yes CO2 is important for a good pinning response, but to successfully neglect, you must have lots of fresh air, or it will fail every time.

This TEK is so simple its not really even a TEK, but if someone didn't write this one up, it wouldn't open the eyes of the people who don't understand the principles of growing in this manner.

First you need a bucket and a clean trash bag, and some colonized substrate of your choice. Place the sub inside the bag, the bag inside of the bucket. Then water your colonized substrate well. You don't want it to dry out, since its going to be outdoors it will loose allot of water from evaporation. Then loosely close the bag, allowing for some decent air exchange within the bag.

Place the bucket in the shade away from direct sunlight, a back porch with lots of fresh air is ideal.

Check your bucket/s daily, the fruiting cycle is speeded up by the natural conditions and you will have a bucket of over ripe fruits if you aren't careful.

I have yet to fruit a freshly birthed substrate in this fashion. I have only used substrates previously fruited indoors, that were going to be thrown away. I'm sure this method will work nevertheless.

Here are some pictures of various strains fruiting outdoors in an enclosed back porch, with lots of fresh air. The porch is probably dirtier than the outdoors, actually.

You can also bring home those dung piles with those unidentified mushrooms on them to continue fruiting, I have done this also as you will see. I have grown my biggest most perfect mushrooms like this.

Water and loosely close

unidentified pins on wild dung

I have Id this mushroom as the Deadly Galerina, only thing is, its not growing on wood, although it matches pics and descriptions from my field guide. I'm almost positive of their ID, due to the gill color, and stem. Any other opinions as to what species this is?

Here are the  original wild specimens collected, growing on  cow dung. They were a bit dry and discolored from the late morning sun, so I brought home the patty for inducing the next fruiting, via outdoor neglect.

Z strain, neglected.  My largest ever.

Australian Cubensis, neglected

notice the thick layer of dust next to the lighter, as long as they have plenty of air, this is no worry.




South American Clones, Neglected


That's it! Its all really simple and it can produce some picture perfect specimens, and some real monsters.

Have fun, be safe.


Fungusmaximus  F.M.