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Welcome to Caliban Cove.........


This site is about the book Resident Evil- Caliban Cove written by popular fiction author S.D. Perry. The book series is based off the extremly popular Resident Evil Game series and the hit movie that is adapted from the game series.

The book is about a girl who is involved in the inccident at the spencer mansion when a terrible
virus called the T-Virus is realesed in a underground research facility and the people down in the research
facility become victims of the virus and become the living dead and have only one urge and that urge is the need to feed,
and they are hungry for human flesh. After the bulk of the zombies are killed down in the research facility by a elite team
called STARS along with their Combat medic Rebecca Chamber(the main character). After a few of the zombies make it out the team is involved in a helicopter crash in which only Rebecca survives. So in desperation she joins up with a another group of STARS and they try to tell the police they work for but the police have been paid off by the company responicble for the T-Virus
So they are accused of being drunk and that the zombies are not real. After they are made a shame in public they hol d a strong hold at their captain house where Rebecca is recruit for a mission by another STARS captain his name is David Trapp and he wants her to go with him and his team on a mission to Claiban Cove another supposed T-Virus research facility supposly controlled by the infamous docter Griffth. Once they get there they encounter all kidns of terrors by the good doctor. But before they can sotp the doctor they incure a big obstacle, some of them begin to become infected........