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(( Website under SERIOUS construction. Until I can figure out a way to turn my Dormer pic into a JPEG or GIF file, you'll have to e-mail me to get his picture. Also, some quick facts: Will is about 47 years old, and the retired Chief of Foriegn Affairs for the RFBI. He's got a son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. I could NPC them, but it'd be cool if anyone wanted to play them. Will's son, John, is also a member of the RFBI FA Unit. John's wife, Charlotte, works in Rhy'Din for one of the scientific departments that filter into MSI [is that even around anymore?]. The two grandchildren, names uncertain right now, are 4 and 6.

Will's pretty much a normal man, except he, like everyone else on Rhy'Din, has a special power. He, however, keeps it pretty well hidden from everyone outside his immediate family: Will's a telepath. He reads minds like I read profiles and websites. Since he's developed his power so much, though, he's able to sheild himself from being read, and, in all fairness, you can tell me if you don't want Will to read your character's 'mind.'

That's about it, I think. Will is also currently in the AMS, a Private of the Black Nova. ))